"The transfer of genetic material from one population to another."
The transfer of genes from one population to another.
Population genetics: The study of genetic processes within populations, including gene flow, mutation, genetic drift, and natural selection.
Molecular evolution: The study of genetic changes that occur over time, including divergence and convergence of DNA sequences, and the effects of selection, mutation, and gene flow on these changes.
Phylogenetics: The study of evolutionary relationships among organisms, using molecular or morphological data to construct trees of descent.
Biogeography: The study of how species are distributed across geographic space, including the role of gene flow in shaping patterns of distribution and speciation.
Hybridization: The process of interbreeding between different species or populations, and the effects of hybridization on gene flow and evolution.
Reproductive isolation: The mechanisms that prevent or reduce gene flow between different populations or species, including geographic barriers, mating preferences, and genetic incompatibilities.
Allele frequencies: The proportion of different versions of a gene (alleles) in a population, and factors that affect these frequencies, including mutation, migration, and natural selection.
Genome evolution: The study of how genomes change over time, including gene duplication, translocation, and other changes that affect gene flow and evolution.
Coevolution: The reciprocal evolutionary interactions between different species, including host-parasite, predator-prey, and mutualistic relationships.
Evolutionary ecology: The study of how ecological factors influence the evolution of organisms, including the role of gene flow in shaping patterns of adaptation and speciation.
Migration: The movement of individuals from one population to another. This can lead to the transfer of genes from one population to another, thus increasing the genetic diversity of both populations.
Hybridization: The interbreeding of genetically distinct populations or species, resulting in the creation of hybrid offspring. This can result in a new population with a unique genetic makeup.
Cross-fertilization: The fertilization of an organism by the sperm or pollen from another organism. This can occur between plants or animals and can result in the transfer of genetic material from one individual to another.
Horizontal gene transfer: The transfer of genetic material between organisms that are not parent and offspring. This can occur between bacteria through processes such as conjugation or transformation, resulting in the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes.
Vertical gene transfer: The transfer of genetic material from parent to offspring through reproduction.
Genetic drift: A change in the frequency of gene variants within a population due to random fluctuations in reproductive success. This can result in the fixation of advantageous or deleterious traits.
Natural selection: The process by which certain traits become more or less common within a population over time due to their impact on an organism's fitness in a given environment.
Sexual selection: The process by which traits that increase an organism's likelihood of mating become more prevalent within a population over time. This can result in the development of elaborate courtship displays or physical adaptations that enhance mating success.
"If the rate of gene flow is high enough, then two populations will have equivalent allele frequencies and therefore can be considered a single effective population."
"It takes only 'one migrant per generation' to prevent populations from diverging due to drift."
"Populations can diverge due to selection even when they are exchanging alleles if the selection pressure is strong enough."
"Gene flow is an important mechanism for transferring genetic diversity among populations."
"Migrants change the distribution of genetic diversity among populations by modifying allele frequencies."
"High rates of gene flow can reduce the genetic differentiation between the two groups, increasing homogeneity."
"Gene flow has been thought to constrain speciation and prevent range expansion by combining the gene pools of the groups."
"In some cases, dispersal resulting in gene flow may also result in the addition of novel genetic variants under positive selection to the gene pool of a species or population."
"Factors that affect the rate of gene flow include low dispersal or mobility, fragmented habitats, long distances between populations, and small population sizes."
"Mobility plays an important role in dispersal rate, as highly mobile individuals tend to have greater movement prospects."
"Pollen and seeds may be carried great distances by animals, water, or wind."
"When gene flow is impeded, there can be an increase in inbreeding within a population."
"Inbreeding is measured by the inbreeding coefficient (F) within a population."
"For example, many island populations have low rates of gene flow due to geographic isolation and small population sizes."
"The Black Footed Rock Wallaby has several inbred populations that live on various islands off the coast of Australia."
"The population is so strongly isolated that lack of gene flow has led to high rates of inbreeding."
"High rates of gene flow can reduce the genetic differentiation between the two groups, increasing homogeneity."
"Mobility plays an important role in dispersal rate, as highly mobile individuals tend to have greater movement prospects."
"Gene flow is an important mechanism for transferring genetic diversity among populations."