"The insect is made up of three main body regions (tagmata), the head, thorax and abdomen."
Study of the internal functioning of insects, especially their metabolic processes and mechanisms of digestion, respiration, and circulation.
Anatomy: Study of internal and external structures of insects.
Histology: The study of insect tissues, organs and their functions.
Physiology: The study of physical, biochemical and biological functions of insects.
Metabolism: The process of transforming food into energy to maintain life and growth.
Endocrinology: Study of hormones, their functions and regulation of physiological processes in insects.
Neurobiology: The study of the nervous system and its functions in insects.
Reproductive Physiology: Study of the reproductive system and the reproductive cycle in insects.
Immunology: Study of insects' immune system and how it defends against diseases and infections.
Muscles and movement: Study of the insect muscular system and how it's involved in movement and locomotion.
Sensory systems: The study of insect sensory systems and perception of the environment.
Circulatory system: Study of the insect circulatory system and its functions.
Respiration: Study of insect respiration and its mechanisms.
Digestion and excretion: Study of the insect digestive and excretory systems and their functions.
Behavior: Study of the various insect behaviors and how they are related to physiology.
Biomechanics: The study of how insects move and how their structures facilitate movement.
Ecophysiology: The study of how the insect physiology is related to the environmental factors.
Environmental Physiology: The study of how insects adapt to different environments and their physiological changes.
Phytochemistry: Study of the secondary compounds produced by plants and how insects use them.
Pharmacology: The study of insect drugs, their effects, and mechanics.
Toxicology: Study of how toxins affect insect physiology.
Morphology: Study of the physical structure and form of insects.
Reproductive Physiology: Study of the reproductive systems of insects and their mechanisms for reproduction.
Behavioral Physiology: Study of the behavior of insects and how it is influenced by physiological processes.
Immunology: Study of insect immune systems and how they defend against pathogens.
Developmental Physiology: Study of the development of insects from egg to adult and the physiological changes that occur during this process.
Sensory Physiology: Study of how insects sense their environment and how they process sensory information.
Biochemistry: Study of the chemical processes that occur within insects and how they influence physiological processes.
Ecological Physiology: Study of how insect physiology is influenced by environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, and nutrition.
Neurophysiology: Study of the nervous system of insects and how it regulates physiological processes.
Endocrinology: Study of the hormonal systems in insects and how they regulate physiological processes.
Physiological Adaptations: Study of how insects have adapted to survive in specific environments and how these adaptations have influenced their physiology.
Pest Physiology: Study of the physiology of insect pests and how this knowledge can be used to control them.
"The head comprises six fused segments..."
"...compound eyes, ocelli, antennae and mouthparts..."
"...mouthparts, which differ according to the insect's particular diet, e.g. grinding, sucking, lapping, and chewing."
"The thorax is made up of three segments: the pro, meso and meta thorax..."
"...each supporting a pair of legs..."
"...which may also differ, depending on function, e.g. jumping, digging, swimming, and running."
"Usually, the middle and the last segment of the thorax have paired wings."
"The abdomen generally comprises eleven segments..."
"...and contains the digestive and reproductive organs."
"...including digestive, circulatory, respiratory, muscular, endocrine, and nervous systems..."
"...as well as sensory organs..."
"...temperature control..."
"...flight and molting."
"...contains the digestive... organs."
"...circulatory... systems..."
"...respiratory... systems..."
"...muscular... systems..."
"...endocrine... systems..."
"...as well as sensory organs..." Note: The quotes provided are condensed excerpts taken directly from the paragraph and may be slightly edited for clarity in some cases.