"Organogenesis is the phase of embryonic development that starts at the end of gastrulation and continues until birth."
Process by which organs form and develop from embryonic tissue, through interactions between different cell types.
Embryonic development: This topic covers the study of the early stages of development, starting from fertilization to the formation of organs.
Cell differentiation: This topic involves the process of cells transforming into specialized cell types to form different parts of the body.
Morphogenesis: This topic involves the process of shaping tissues and organs to form the body structure.
Signal transduction: This topic involves the chemical signals that trigger gene expression and help control cell differentiation and morphogenesis.
Stem cells: This topic covers the body's ability to generate new cells, tissues, and organs from stem cells.
Gene expression: This topic involves the activation or deactivation of genes that regulate organogenesis.
Genetic regulation: This topic covers the role of genes and non-coding regions in organogenesis.
Molecular biology: This topic involves the study of the molecular processes underlying organogenesis.
Signaling pathways: This topic covers the intricate pathways and interactions that control the development of organs.
Cell signaling: This topic involves the communication between cells that plays a critical role in organogenesis.
Gene editing: This topic involves tools such as CRISPR that allow scientists to modify genes to study their role in organogenesis.
Epigenetics: This topic involves the study of heritable changes in gene expression that do not involve changes to the DNA sequence, and how it influences organogenesis.
Comparative embryology: This topic involves comparing the development of different organisms to better understand the underlying mechanisms of organogenesis.
Evolutionary developmental biology: This topic involves the study of the evolutionary origins of developmental processes and how they have been modified over time.
Organoid culture models: This topic involves in vitro models of organogenesis that enable the study of developmental processes in a controlled environment.
Gastrulation: The process of forming the gut or digestive system during embryonic development.
Neurulation: The formation of the neural tube which leads to the development of the nervous system.
Somitogenesis: The formation of somites or segments, which later give rise to muscles, vertebrae, and other structures.
Cardiogenesis: The formation of the heart and the circulatory system.
Angiogenesis: The growth and maturation of blood vessels.
Lymphangiogenesis: The formation of lymphatic vessels.
Odontogenesis: The development of teeth and the oral cavity.
Oogenesis: The process of forming mature eggs in female animals.
Spermatogenesis: The process of forming functional sperm cells in male animals.
Nephrogenesis: The formation of the kidney and the urinary system.
Hepatogenesis: The development of the liver and its associated structures.
Dermatogenesis: The formation and differentiation of skin cells during embryonic development.
Myogenesis: The formation and differentiation of muscle cells.
Chondrogenesis: The formation of cartilage tissues.
Osteogenesis: The formation and differentiation of bone tissues.
Adipogenesis: The formation and differentiation of adipose tissues or fat cells.
Hematopoiesis: The formation and differentiation of blood cells.
Retinogenesis: The formation of the retina, which is a part of the eye that processes visual information.
Thymopoiesis: The process of forming functional T-cells in the thymus gland.
Craniofacial development: The development of the skull and facial structures.
"The three germ layers formed from gastrulation are the ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm."
"During organogenesis, the three germ layers formed from gastrulation form the internal organs of the organism."
"Cell differentiation is a process where less-specialized cells become more-specialized through the expression of a specific set of genes."
"Cell differentiation is driven by cell signaling cascades."
"Differentiation is influenced by extracellular signals such as growth factors that are exchanged to adjacent cells, which is called juxtracrine signaling or to neighboring cells over short distances, which is called paracrine signaling."
"Intracellular signals, consisting of a cell signaling itself (autocrine signaling), also play a role in organ formation."
"These signaling pathways allow for cell rearrangement and ensure that organs form at specific sites within the organism."
"The organogenesis process can be studied using embryos and organoids."
"Organogenesis starts at the end of gastrulation and continues until birth."
"The major germ layers involved in organogenesis are the ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm."
"Less-specialized cells become more-specialized through the expression of a specific set of genes during cell differentiation."
"Extracellular signals such as juxtracrine and paracrine signaling, as well as intracellular signals like autocrine signaling, are involved in cell differentiation."
"Extracellular signals, including growth factors, influence cell differentiation by exchanging signals to adjacent or neighboring cells."
"Cell rearrangement ensures that organs form at specific sites within the organism."
"Embryos and organoids can be utilized to study the process of organogenesis."
"During organogenesis, the three germ layers formed from gastrulation contribute to the formation of the internal organs of the organism."
"Organogenesis occurs after gastrulation and continues until birth."
"Cell differentiation involves the expression of specific genes through cell signaling cascades."
"The different types of cell signaling involved in organogenesis include juxtracrine, paracrine, and autocrine signaling."