"Network analysis can refer to: Network theory, the analysis of relations through mathematical graphs."
Network analysis involves modeling and analyzing the interactions between biological molecules, cells, and systems. Topics include graph theory, topology, and network visualization.
Graph theory: Fundamental principles and concepts of graph theory like nodes, edges, degree, shortest path, connectedness, centrality measures, etc.
Network structures: Different types of network structures such as scale-free networks, small-world networks, random graphs, etc.
Topological analysis: Analyzing the network topology, analyzing the hierarchical structure of the network, clustering algorithms, etc.
Data preprocessing: Preprocessing gene expression data, quality control, normalization, missing value imputation, etc.
Gene regulatory networks (GRNs): Building GRNs, detecting regulatory modules, analyzing transcriptional networks, visualizing motifs, etc.
Interactome networks: Biology interactome network, protein-protein interaction (PPI) network, protein-DNA interaction (PDI) network, etc.
Functional annotation: Function annotation analysis for genes, discovering functional profile of gene set or network, etc.
Network dynamics: Analysis of the evolution of gene networks, analysis of network stability and convergence, etc.
Pathway enrichment analysis: Identifying enriched pathways, GO (gene ontology) enrichment analysis, metabolic pathway analysis, etc.
Network visualization: Network visualization of gene expression data, PPI networks, hierarchies, etc.
Machine learning: Popular machine learning techniques for network analysis, feature selection, classification and clustering analysis.
Statistical analysis: Network analysis using statistical techniques such as correlation, regression, etc.
Protein-Protein Interaction Networks: Description of the interactions among proteins.
Gene Regulatory Networks: Description of the interactions between genes and their regulatory elements.
Metabolic Networks: Description of the chemical reactions occurring in the cell and the associated metabolites.
Signal Transduction Networks: Description of the interactions between signaling molecules and their receptors.
Disease Networks: Identification of disease-associated genes and their interactions.
Co-expression Networks: Description of the correlation between gene expression levels.
Protein-DNA Interaction Networks: Description of the interactions between proteins and DNA.
Gene Ontology Networks: Description of the functional relationships among genes.
miRNA Networks: Description of the interactions among miRNAs and their target genes.
Pathway Analysis Networks: Identification of the pathways involved in a biological process or disease.
"Social network analysis, network theory applied to social relations."
"Social network analysis, network theory applied to social relations."
"Network analysis (electrical circuits)."
"The analysis of relations through mathematical graphs."
"To analyze relations through mathematical graphs."
"Through social network analysis, network theory can be applied to social relations."
"One specific application is electrical circuit analysis."
"Network theory and social network analysis are both concepts involved in network analysis."
"By utilizing mathematical graphs, network analysis helps understand relationships."
"Network analysis (electrical circuits)."
"The mathematical foundation of network analysis lies in graphs."
"The primary focus of social network analysis is analyzing social relations."
"Through social network analysis, network theory provides insight into social dynamics."
"Network theory aims to understand relations through mathematical graphs."
"Network theory, through mathematical graphs, helps understand connectivity."
"Network analysis is a valuable tool in understanding electrical circuits."
"Network analysis can be applied to network theory, social relations, and electrical circuits."
"Social network analysis focuses on analyzing social relations."
"Through mathematical graphs, network analysis offers information about relationships."