"The field includes the study of the region's culture, written language, history and political institutions."
Studies the history, cultures, languages, economies, and politics of the East Asian region.
History of East Asia: This topic includes the study of events and developments in East Asia, such as the rise and fall of dynasties, wars, political ideologies, social structures, and more.
Language and Linguistics: The study of East Asian languages and their structures, as well as the linguistic similarities and differences between languages.
Art and Culture: This topic includes the study of traditional and contemporary art forms, religious beliefs, customs, and other aspects of cultural heritage in East Asia.
Philosophy and Religion: The study of the different religious traditions, philosophies, and belief systems that have influenced East Asian society and culture.
Politics and Governance: The study of political systems, institutions, and governance practices in East Asian countries.
Economics and Business: The study of the economic development and growth in East Asia, as well as the region’s economic policies and strategies.
Geography and Environment: This topic includes the study of the physical and human geography of East Asia, the region’s natural resources, and environmental issues.
Gender and Society: The study of gender roles, relationships, and the women’s movement in East Asia.
International Relations: The study of East Asia’s foreign policies, international relations, and interactions with other global powers.
Literature and Media: The study of East Asian literary traditions and modern media, including books, films, television shows, and other forms of creative expression.
"East Asian Studies is located within the broader field of Asian studies and is also interdisciplinary in character."
"The field encourages scholars from diverse disciplines to exchange ideas on scholarship as it relates to the East Asian experience and the experience of East Asia in the world. In addition, the field encourages scholars to educate others to have a deeper understanding of and appreciation and respect for, all that is East Asia."
"The field of East Asian studies promotes a broad humanistic understanding of East Asia past and present."
"At universities throughout North America and the Western World, the study of East Asian Humanities is traditionally housed in EALC (East Asian Languages and Civilizations or Cultures) departments, which run majors in Chinese and Japanese Language and Literature and sometimes Korean Language and Literature."
"East Asian Studies programs...bring together literary scholars, historians, anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists, etc. from their various departments and schools to promote instructional programs, conferences, and lecture series of common interest."
"East Asian Studies centers also often run interdisciplinary undergraduate and master's degree programs in East Asian Studies."
"The field encourages scholars to educate others to have a deeper understanding of and appreciation and respect for, all that is East Asia and, therefore, to promote peaceful human integration worldwide."
"The field is interdisciplinary in character, incorporating elements of the social sciences (anthropology, economics, sociology, politics, etc.) and humanities (literature, history, art, film, music, etc.), among others."
"The field encourages scholars from diverse disciplines to exchange ideas on scholarship as it relates to the East Asian experience and the experience of East Asia in the world."
"The field includes the study of the region's culture, written language, history and political institutions."
"To promote instructional programs, conferences and lecture series of common interest."
"EALC departments...run majors in Chinese and Japanese Language and Literature and sometimes Korean Language and Literature."
"East Asian Studies programs...bring together literary scholars, historians, anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists, etc. from their various departments and schools."
"The field of East Asian studies promotes a broad humanistic understanding of East Asia past and present."
"The field includes the study of the region's culture, written language, history and political institutions."
"The field encourages scholars to educate others to have a deeper understanding of and appreciation and respect for, all that is East Asia and, therefore, to promote peaceful human integration worldwide."
"East Asian Studies programs...bring together literary scholars, historians, anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists, etc. from their various departments and schools."
"To promote instructional programs, conferences and lecture series of common interest."
"The field encourages scholars from diverse disciplines to exchange ideas on scholarship as it relates to the East Asian experience and the experience of East Asia in the world."