"The International Style or internationalism is a major architectural style that was developed in the 1920s and 1930s and was closely related to modernism and modernist architecture."
A movement that emerged in the 1920s, which emphasized simplicity, functionality, and the use of industrial materials such as steel and glass. The style was characterized by clean lines, asymmetry, and the absence of decorative elements.
"It was first defined by Museum of Modern Art curators Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson in 1932..."
"...based on works of architecture from the 1920s."
"The terms rationalist architecture and modern movement are often used interchangeably with International Style..."
"...although the former is mostly used in the English-speaking world to specifically refer to the Italian rationalism, or even the International Style that developed in Europe as a whole."
"It is defined by the Getty Research Institute as 'the style of architecture that emerged in The Netherlands, France, and Germany after World War I and spread throughout the world, becoming the dominant architectural style until the 1970s.'"
"The style is characterized by an emphasis on volume over mass, the use of lightweight, mass-produced, industrial materials, rejection of all ornament and colour, repetitive modular forms, and the use of flat surfaces, typically alternating with areas of glass."
"The style is characterized by an emphasis on volume over mass..."
"The use of lightweight, mass-produced, industrial materials..."
"Rejection of all ornament and colour..."
"Repetitive modular forms..."
"The use of flat surfaces, typically alternating with areas of glass."
"The Netherlands, France, and Germany..."
"Until the 1970s..."
"It was closely related to modernism and modernist architecture."
"Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson..."
"Yes, the former is mostly used in the English-speaking world to specifically refer to the Italian rationalism or even the International Style that developed in Europe as a whole."
"Based on works of architecture from the 1920s."
"The style is characterized by an emphasis on volume over mass, the use of lightweight, mass-produced, industrial materials, rejection of all ornament and colour, repetitive modular forms, and the use of flat surfaces, typically alternating with areas of glass."
"It spread throughout the world, becoming the dominant architectural style until the 1970s."