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The study of the behavior of animals and its effect on their health and production.

Animal behavior: Covers the patterns of behavior displayed by animals in response to their environment, including their social interactions and communication with other animals.
Ethology: The study of how animals behave in their natural environment.
Domestication: The process by which animals have been selectively bred and adapted over time to live with humans.
Learning and memory: The process by which animals acquire new knowledge, skills and habits through experience and repetition.
Cognition: The mental processes involved in thinking, perceiving, and problem-solving.
Evolutionary psychology: Examines how animal behavior has evolved over time through the process of natural selection.
Communication: Examines how animals use signals, both visual and audible, to communicate with each other.
Stress and welfare: Explores the effects of various factors on animals' responses to stress and how this may affect their overall well-being.
Maternal behavior: Examines the behavior of mothers towards their offspring and how it may affect the development of the young.
Aggression: Examines the various types of aggression displayed by animals and the role they play in social interactions.
Fear and anxiety: Explores how animals respond to situations that cause fear and anxiety and the impact this has on their behavior and welfare.
Animal welfare and ethics: Examines the ethical and legal considerations surrounding the treatment of animals in agriculture and other settings.
Animal husbandry: The practices and techniques used to care for and manage animals in order to promote their well-being and productivity.
Animal enrichment: The process of providing animals with stimuli that encourage natural behaviors and reduce stress.
Behavioral pharmacology: The study of how drugs affect animal behavior.
Zoopsychology: The study of how animals think and feel.
Behavioral ecology: Examines how animals interact with their environment and how this affects their behavior.
Sensory systems: Examines how animals perceive and respond to their environment, including their senses of vision, hearing and smell.
Grazing: The act of an animal feeding on vegetation by biting and tearing grass or plants from the ground.
Aggression: The act of an animal displaying hostile or violent behavior towards other animals or humans.
Affiliation: The tendency of animals to form social bonds with other animals.
Reproduction: The behavior associated with mating, seeking partners, courtship, and parenting.
Locomotion: The movement of animals from one place to another.
Resting: The act of animals taking a break from physical activity.
Feeding: The act of animals consuming food for survival.
Vocalization: The sounds that animals produce to communicate with others.
Grooming: The act of animals cleaning their bodies and removing dirt or parasites.
Nesting/burrowing: The building of structures by animals to shelter themselves or their young, such as nests or burrows.
"Ethology is a branch of zoology that studies the behaviour of animals, usually with a scientific focus on behaviour under natural conditions, and viewing behaviour as an evolutionarily adaptive trait."
"Behaviourism as a term also describes the scientific and objective study of animal behavior, usually referring to measured responses to stimuli or to trained behavioral responses in a laboratory context, without a particular emphasis on evolutionary adaptivity."
"Throughout history, different naturalists have studied aspects of animal behaviour. Ethology has its scientific roots in the work of Charles Darwin and of American and German ornithologists of the late 19th and early 20th century."
"The modern discipline of ethology is generally considered to have begun during the 1930s with the work of Dutch biologist Nikolaas Tinbergen and Austrian biologists Konrad Lorenz and Karl von Frisch..."
"Ethology combines laboratory and field science, with a strong relation to some other disciplines such as neuroanatomy, ecology, and evolutionary biology."
"Ethologists typically show interest in a behavioral process rather than in a particular animal group, and often study one type of behavior, such as aggression, in a number of unrelated species."
"Since the dawn of the 21st century researchers have re-examined and reached new conclusions in many aspects of animal communication, emotions, culture, learning and sexuality that the scientific community long thought it understood."
"New fields, such as neuroethology, have developed."
"Understanding ethology or animal behavior can be important in animal training."
"Considering the natural behaviors of different species or breeds enables trainers to select the individuals best suited to perform the required task."
"It also enables trainers to encourage the performance of naturally occurring behaviors and the discontinuance of undesirable behaviors."
"Ethology combines laboratory and field science, with a strong relation to some other disciplines such as neuroanatomy, ecology, and evolutionary biology."
"The modern discipline of ethology is generally considered to have begun during the 1930s with the work of Dutch biologist Nikolaas Tinbergen and Austrian biologists Konrad Lorenz and Karl von Frisch, the three recipients of the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine."
"Ethology combines laboratory and field science..."
"Behaviourism as a term also describes the scientific and objective study of animal behavior, usually referring to measured responses to stimuli or to trained behavioral responses in a laboratory context..."
"Ethology has its scientific roots in the work of Charles Darwin and of American and German ornithologists of the late 19th and early 20th century..."
"Ethologists typically show interest in a behavioral process rather than in a particular animal group..."
"Since the dawn of the 21st century researchers have re-examined and reached new conclusions in many aspects of animal communication, emotions, culture, learning and sexuality..."
"Understanding ethology or animal behavior can be important in animal training."
"Understanding ethology or animal behavior can be important in animal training... It also enables trainers to encourage the performance of naturally occurring behaviors and the discontinuance of undesirable behaviors."