
Home > Agriculture > Plant Pathology > Fungi

Study of fungal diseases that affect plants, including their symptoms, identification, life cycles, and management.

Fungal morphology: The study of the physical characteristics of fungi, such as their shape, size, and cellular structure.
Fungal taxonomy: The classification of fungi based on their genetic and morphological differences.
Fungal physiology: The study of the physiological processes and metabolic pathways of fungi.
Fungal genetics: The study of the genetic makeup of fungi and how they pass on traits to their offspring.
Fungal ecology: The study of how fungi interact with other organisms and their environment, and how they impact ecosystems.
Fungal evolution: The study of the evolutionary history and diversification of fungi.
Fungal pathology: The study of the diseases caused by fungi in plants and animals, and their effects on their host organisms.
Fungal biochemistry: The study of the chemical processes within fungi and their metabolic pathways.
Fungal biodiversity and conservation: The study of the diversity of fungal species and their conservation efforts.
Fungal cultivation: The study of the cultivation and commercial use of fungi in industries such as food, medicine, and biotechnology.
Fungal bioremediation: The study of using fungi to clean up environmental pollutants.
Fungal biotechnology: The study of using fungi for industrial applications, such as the production of enzymes and biofuels.
Fungal symbiosis: The study of the mutualistic relationships between fungi and other organisms, such as plants and insects.
Fungal fermentation: The study of the process by which fungi convert sugars into metabolic products.
Fungal interactions with microbial communities: The study of the interactions between fungi and other microorganisms in various microbial communities.
Ascomycetes: These fungi produce ascospores in specialized structures called ascocarps. They cause a variety of plant diseases, including powdery mildew, apple scab, and black knot on cherry trees.
Basidiomycetes: These fungi produce basidiospores in club-shaped structures called basidia. They cause a range of diseases, such as rusts, smuts, and damping-off of seedlings.
Deuteromycetes: These fungi were once referred to as imperfect fungi because they did not seem to produce sexual spores. Still, they are now known to produce asexual spores called conidia. They cause diseases like anthracnose, leaf spots, and stem cankers.
Oomycetes: Also known as water molds, these fungi are not true fungi. They are more closely related to brown algae and diatoms. They cause diseases like downy mildew, Phytophthora root rot, and Pythium damping-off.
Zygomycetes: These fungi produce resistant structures called zygosporangia. They cause diseases such as white mold, soft rot, and damping-off.
Chytridiomycetes: These fungi produce motile spores called zoospores with a single flagellum. They cause diseases such as root rot of aquatic plants.
"Plant pathology (also phytopathology) is the scientific study of diseases in plants caused by pathogens (infectious organisms) and environmental conditions (physiological factors)."
"Organisms that cause infectious disease include fungi, oomycetes, bacteria, viruses, viroids, virus-like organisms, phytoplasmas, protozoa, nematodes, and parasitic plants."
"Not included are ectoparasites like insects, mites, vertebrate, or other pests that affect plant health by eating plant tissues."
"Plant pathology also involves the study of pathogen identification, disease etiology, disease cycles, economic impact, plant disease epidemiology, plant disease resistance, how plant diseases affect humans and animals, pathosystem genetics, and management of plant diseases."
"...diseases in plants caused by pathogens (infectious organisms) and environmental conditions (physiological factors)."
"...economic impact, plant disease epidemiology..."
" plant diseases affect humans and animals..."
"...pathosystem genetics, and management of plant diseases."
"Organisms that cause infectious disease include fungi, oomycetes, bacteria, viruses, viroids, virus-like organisms, phytoplasmas, protozoa, nematodes, and parasitic plants."
"Plant pathology also involves the study of pathogen identification, disease etiology, disease cycles..."
"Plant pathology also involves the study of... plant disease resistance..."
"Plant pathology also involves the study of pathogen identification..."
"Organisms that cause infectious disease... affect plant health..."
"Plant pathology (also phytopathology) is the scientific study of diseases in plants caused by pathogens (infectious organisms)..."
"Plant pathology also involves the... management of plant diseases."
"Organisms that cause infectious disease include... oomycetes, bacteria, viruses..."
"Organisms that cause infectious disease... affect plant health..."
"Plant pathology also involves the study of... economic impact..."
"Plant pathology also involves the study of... plant disease epidemiology..."
"Plant pathology also involves the study of... economic impact..."