Answer: "Pesticides are substances that are meant to control pests."
Chemicals used to control or eliminate pests and weeds in agricultural settings.
Insecticides: These are designed to kill insects, such as mosquitoes, beetles, and termites.
Herbicides: These are used to kill unwanted plants or weeds, such as glyphosate.
Fungicides: These are used to kill or prevent fungal infections, such as blight or mildew.
Rodenticides: These are used to control rodents such as rats and mice.
Larvicides: These are designed to specifically target and kill the larvae of insects like mosquitoes.
Miticides: These are used to control mite infestations in crops or livestock.
Nematicides: These are used to control parasitic worms or nematodes.
Molluscicides: These are used to control snails and other mollusks.
Acaricides: These are used to kill mites, especially in beehives.
Avicides: These are used to control bird populations that damage crops.
Repellents: These don't kill pests but keep them away from crops, animals or people.
Insect growth regulators: These are used to disrupt the lifecycle of insects by interfering with their growth hormones.
Systemic pesticides: These are absorbed by plants and transported through the entire body of the plant, making them toxic to pests feeding on them.
Contact pesticides: These are sprayed directly on pests or crops, killing any that come into contact with the chemicals.
Answer: "This includes herbicide, insecticide, nematicide, molluscicide, piscicide, avicide, rodenticide, bactericide, insect repellent, animal repellent, microbicide, fungicide, and lampricide."
Answer: "The most common of these are herbicides, which account for approximately 50% of all pesticide use globally."
Answer: "Most pesticides are intended to serve as plant protection products (also known as crop protection products), which in general, protect plants from weeds, fungi, or insects."
Answer: "As an example, the fungus Alternaria solani is used to combat the aquatic weed Salvinia."
Answer: "In general, a pesticide is a chemical (such as carbamate) or biological agent (such as a virus, bacterium, or fungus) that deters, incapacitates, kills, or otherwise discourages pests."
Answer: "Target pests can include insects, plant pathogens, weeds, molluscs, birds, mammals, fish, nematodes (roundworms), and microbes that destroy property, cause nuisance, or spread disease, or are disease vectors."
Answer: "Along with these benefits, pesticides also have drawbacks, such as potential toxicity to humans and other species."
Answer: "Toxicity to humans and other species."
Answer: "Approximately 50% of all pesticide use globally."
Answer: "Used to combat the aquatic weed Salvinia."
Answer: "Insects, plant pathogens, weeds, molluscs, birds, mammals, fish, nematodes (roundworms), and microbes."
Answer: "Control pests", "Protect plants", "Combat weeds, fungi, or insects."
Answer: "Chemical or biological agent."
Answer: "Protect plants from weeds, fungi, or insects."
Answer: "Control pests", "Protect plants", "Prevent property damage", "Prevent spread of diseases."
Answer: "Account for approximately 50% of all pesticide use globally."
Answer: "Potential toxicity to humans and other species."
Answer: "Insecticide, nematicide, molluscicide, piscicide, avicide, rodenticide, bactericide, insect repellent, animal repellent, microbicide, fungicide, and lampricide."
Answer: "Toxicity to humans and other species."