
Home > Agriculture > Forest management > Silviculture

The practice of managing forest ecosystems for desired outcomes, such as timber production or biodiversity conservation.

Forest ecology: The study of the relationships between forest organisms, including plants, animals, fungi, and other organisms, and their environment.
Forest silviculture: The practice of managing forests to maintain healthy and productive forest ecosystems.
Forest inventory and assessment: The process of gathering information about a forest, such as its species composition, density, health, and biomass.
Forest growth and yield: The examination of forest growth patterns and projected yields, including tree growth rates and timber stand dynamics.
Forest regeneration: The process of renewing a forest after a disturbance, such as a natural disaster, logging or disease.
Forest harvesting: The practice of harvesting trees for commercial use while maintaining sustainable forest ecosystems.
Forest fire management: The study and management of forest fires and their impact on forest ecosystems.
Forest protection: The practice of maintaining healthy forest ecosystems through monitoring and control of invasive species, pests, and pathogens.
Forest economics: The study of the economic factors influencing forest management, including the cost of forest production, revenue from timber sales, and the impacts of land-use policies on forest management.
Forest certification: The process of verifying that a forest is being managed sustainably, including the environmental, social, and economic aspects of forest management.
Even-aged silviculture: A method of managing forests where all the trees in a stand are of similar age and size, and are harvested or thinned at the same time.
Uneven-aged silviculture: A system of forest management in which trees of all ages and sizes are present in a stand, and species are mixed to promote natural regeneration.
Clearcutting: A silvicultural method where all trees in a stand are removed at once, leaving a clear, open area.
Seed-tree method: A form of even-aged management in which mature trees are retained to provide seed for natural regeneration.
Shelterwood method: A form of even-aged management where trees are harvested in a series of cuts over time, with the goal of maintaining a certain level of shade and shelter for the next generation of trees.
Selection system: A form of uneven-aged management where scattered trees are harvested over time, mimicking natural disturbances and promoting ecological diversity.
Coppicing: A form of forest management where trees are cut to the ground, promoting new growth from the stump.
Pollarding: A form of coppicing where trees are repeatedly cut higher up on the stem, resulting in multiple branches and a "hedge-like" growth habit.
High-grading: A form of forest management where only the best (most valuable) trees are harvested, often resulting in a low-value, degraded forest.
Urban forestry: The management of trees and green spaces in and around cities, often focusing on the ecological and social benefits of trees and forests.
Agroforestry: The integration of trees and other crops or animals in agricultural landscapes, often promoting sustainable land use and ecosystem services.
Community forestry: The management of forests by local people, often with a focus on social and economic benefits as well as ecological outcomes.
"Silviculture is the practice of controlling the growth, composition/structure, as well as quality of forests to meet values and needs, specifically timber production."
"The name comes from the Latin silvi- ('forest') and culture ('growing')."
"The study of forests and woods is termed silvology."
"Silviculture also focuses on making sure that the treatment(s) of forest stands are used to conserve and improve their productivity."
"Generally, silviculture is the science and art of growing and cultivating forest [crops], based on a knowledge of silvics."
"The study of the life-history and general characteristics of forest trees and stands, with particular reference to local/regional factors."
"The focus of silviculture is the control, establishment, and management of forest stands."
"The distinction between forestry and silviculture is that silviculture is applied at the stand-level, while forestry is a broader concept."
"Adaptive management is common in silviculture."
"Yes, forestry can include natural/conserved land without stand-level management and treatments being applied."
"Silviculture is the practice of controlling the growth, composition/structure, as well as quality of forests."
"Silviculture is the practice of controlling the growth, composition/structure, as well as quality of forests to meet values and needs, specifically timber production."
"Silviculture also focuses on making sure that the treatment(s) of forest stands are used to conserve and improve their productivity."
"Silviculture is the science and art of growing and cultivating forest [crops], based on a knowledge of silvics."
"The study of forests and woods is termed silvology."
"Silviculture also focuses on making sure that the treatment(s) of forest stands are used to conserve and improve their productivity."
"The focus of silviculture is the control, establishment, and management of forest stands."
"The study of the life-history and general characteristics of forest trees and stands, with particular reference to local/regional factors."
"Adaptive management is common in silviculture."
"Forestry can include natural/conserved land without stand-level management and treatments being applied."