"Precision agriculture (PA) is a farming management strategy based on observing, measuring and responding to temporal and spatial variability to improve agricultural production sustainability."
Innovations in agriculture technology, including precision agriculture, water sensors, and drones.
Soil management: This involves understanding the properties of soil, such as texture, structure, and fertility, and how to improve them for optimal crop growth.
Water management: This includes the understanding of water cycles, the importance of irrigation, and the methods of water conservation.
Crop management: This involves understanding crop rotation, planting techniques, and pest management to ensure healthy crop production.
Agricultural machinery and equipment: Learning about the types of machines and tools used in farming, how to operate and maintain them, and how to choose the right ones for specific tasks.
Precision farming: This is the use of technological tools such as GPS systems and sensors to optimize crop yields and reduce waste.
Plant genetics and breeding: The study of genetics and plant breeding techniques for developing new crop varieties that are disease-resistant and more productive.
Biotechnology: The use of biological techniques such as genetic engineering to improve crop yield and resistance to pests.
Agribusiness and marketing: The business aspects of agriculture, such as distribution, sales, and branding, to ensure profitability and marketability of crops.
Sustainability: The principles of sustainable agriculture, including conservation of resources, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility.
Rural development: Learning about the socio-economic and cultural aspects of rural communities, and how technology can help improve their economic and social conditions.
Climate change: Understanding the impact of climate change on agriculture, and how technological innovations can help mitigate its effects.
Food security: The study of how technology can help address the world's growing demand for food, particularly in areas where food access is limited.
Emerging technologies: Understanding innovative technologies in agriculture, such as drones, blockchain, and artificial intelligence, their impact, and their potential applications.
Tractors: These are vehicles with large, powered wheels used for farming operations such as plowing, tilling, planting and harvesting the crops.
Planters: Planters are used to sow seeds uniformly and quickly. They are more efficient and precise than manually scattering seeds.
Harvesting Machinery: Machinery including reapers, harvesters, and combines are used to cut and collect crops like grains and vegetables.
Irrigation Systems: An irrigation system is used to distribute water over the farmland to promote the growth of crops.
Crop Rotation: This is a method of switching crops planted in order to maintain soil fertility and avoid pests and diseases.
Greenhouses: These are artificial environments created to protect plants from pests, weather changes, and other environmental factors that could negatively impact growth.
Fertilizer Application: Applying fertilizers to the ground is a way of providing the necessary nutrients required for optimal crop growth.
Pest Management: Technologies like pheromone traps, biopesticides, and genetically modified crops are used to prevent pests from harming farmland.
Weed Management: Tools like rotary hoes, hoe drills, weed eaters, and backpack sprayers help to reduce the growth of unwanted weeds which can steal nutrients from crops.
Precision Agriculture: This is a modern method that makes use of advanced sensors and GPS technologies to improve farm management precision and direct investment to where it's needed the most.
"The goal of precision agriculture research is to define a decision support system (DSS) for whole farm management with the goal of optimizing returns on inputs while preserving resources."
"First conceptual work on PA and practical applications go back to the late 1980s."
"Among these many approaches is a phytogeomorphological approach which ties multi-year crop growth stability/characteristics to topological terrain attributes."
"The interest in the phytogeomorphological approach stems from the fact that the geomorphology component typically dictates the hydrology of the farm field."
"The practice of precision agriculture has been enabled by the advent of GPS and GNSS."
"The farmer's and/or researcher's ability to locate their precise position in a field allows for the creation of maps of the spatial variability of as many variables as can be measured."
"These arrays consist of real-time sensors that measure everything from chlorophyll levels to plant water status, along with multispectral imagery."
"This data is used in conjunction with satellite imagery by variable rate technology (VRT) including seeders, sprayers, etc. to optimally distribute resources."
"Recent technological advances have enabled the use of real-time sensors directly in the soil, which can wirelessly transmit data without the need for human presence."
"Precision agriculture has also been enabled by unmanned aerial vehicles that are relatively inexpensive and can be operated by novice pilots."
"These agricultural drones can be equipped with multispectral or RGB cameras."
"These multispectral images contain multiple values per pixel in addition to the traditional red, green, blue values such as near-infrared and red-edge spectrum values used to process and analyze vegetative indexes such as NDVI maps."
"These drones are capable of capturing imagery and providing additional geographical references such as elevation, which allows software to perform map algebra functions to build precise topography maps."
"These topographic maps can be used to correlate crop health with topography, the results of which can be used to optimize crop inputs such as water, fertilizer, or chemicals such as herbicides and growth regulators through variable rate applications."
"Precision agriculture (PA) is a farming management strategy based on observing, measuring, and responding to temporal and spatial variability to improve agricultural production sustainability."
"The goal of precision agriculture research is to define a decision support system (DSS) for whole farm management with the goal of optimizing returns on inputs while preserving resources."
"The practice of precision agriculture has been enabled by the advent of GPS and GNSS."
"These arrays consist of real-time sensors that measure everything from chlorophyll levels to plant water status, along with multispectral imagery."
"Recent technological advances have enabled the use of real-time sensors directly in the soil, which can wirelessly transmit data without the need for human presence."