Production Design

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How to design the visual elements of a production, including set design, costumes, props, and makeup.

"The production designer is the individual responsible for the overall aesthetic of the story."
"The production design gives the viewers a sense of the time period, the plot location, and character actions and feelings."
"Working directly with the director, cinematographer, and producer..."
"The term production designer was coined by William Cameron Menzies while he was working on the film Gone with the Wind."
"Production designers are commonly confused with art directors as the roles have similar responsibilities."
"Production designers decide the visual concept and deal with the many and varied logistics of filmmaking including, schedules, budgets, and staffing."
"Art directors manage the process of making the visuals..."
"The production designer and the art director lead a team of individuals to assist with the visual component of the film."
"Depending on the size of the production the rest of the team can include set decorators, buyers, dressers, runners, graphic designers, drafts people, props makers, and set builders." Please note that some questions may not have a specific quote in the given paragraph to provide a direct answer.