
Home > Visual Arts > Principles of Design (visual arts) > Pattern

Repetition of visual elements to create a sense of order or structure.

Repetition: Involves repeating an element, shape or color in a predictable pattern.
Scale: It is the size relationship between multiple elements in a composition.
Rhythm: The visual movement created by the repetition of elements in a pattern.
Grid: A system of vertical and horizontal lines used to structure a design.
Symmetry: Refers to the balance of shape and color on either side of a central axis.
Tiling: A method of creating patterns by repeating a singular shape in different directions.
Color theory: The use of color and its application in pattern design.
Texture: The surface quality of an element that adds tactile interest to a pattern.
Contrast: The use of opposing elements to create visual interest.
Shape: The physical form of an element in a pattern that can create an identifiable motif.
Modularity: Breaking a composition into small parts or modules, allowing for easy repetition and scalability.
Optical illusions: Using design elements in a way that creates an illusion of movement or depth.
Pen symmetry: Designing illustrations through the use of the same symmetrical shapes flowing through the image.
Perspective: A way of drawing or designing to create an illusion of depth and distance within a pattern.
Negative space: Incorporating the space surrounding an element in a composition to create patterns.
Geometric shapes: A pattern design using shapes of equal proportion.
Transparency: Using transparent materials in a pattern design to create a subtle effect.
Layering: Working on multiple levels to add depth and interest to a pattern.
Minimalism: A clean and minimal approach to pattern design.
Asymmetry: A design technique using an odd or uneven balance of elements.
Balance: A pattern achieved by distributing visual weight evenly on both sides of an axis.
Contrast: A pattern that relies on the differences between elements to create visual interest.
Emphasis: A pattern that highlights a specific element in order to make it stand out.
Harmony: A pattern that uses similar elements to create a sense of unity and cohesion.
Movement: A pattern that draws the eye across the piece, creating a sense of motion.
Proportion: A pattern that takes into account the relationship between the size of elements and the overall composition.
Repetition: A pattern that uses the same element multiple times to create a sense of unity and rhythm.
Rhythm: A pattern that creates a sense of flow and movement through the use of repeating elements.
Scale: A pattern that emphasizes the size of different elements within a composition.
Unity: A pattern that brings together different elements in order to create a cohesive whole.