Learn how to style web pages using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which dictate the look and feel of a website.
Syntax: Understanding the syntax of CSS code is essential as it dictates how you write CSS rules.
Selectors: CSS selectors are used to target specific elements on a web page so that you can apply styling rules to them. Understanding how to create selectors is essential.
Properties: CSS properties define the stylistic properties you can apply to your web page elements. Examples include font size, color, and background color.
Box Model: CSS box model is a way of understanding how the browser construes every element on a page as a rectangular box that can easily be styled.
Media Queries: CSS media queries allow us to specify different styles for web pages depending on the device or screen size.
Layouts: CSS layout is used to define how elements on a page are spaced and positioned. The three web layout types are fixed, flexible, and responsive.
CSS Frameworks and libraries: CSS frameworks and pre-existing libraries available on the web can be used to streamline the CSS design process. Examples include Bootstrap, Foundation, and Bulma.
Fonts and Typography: You can use CSS to customize your web page fonts and typography to make your site more visually appealing.
Animations and Transitions: You can use CSS to create animations and transitions on web pages to enhance the user experience.
Cross-browser compatibility: You should learn about different CSS hacks and techniques to make your CSS code work across multiple browsers.
Selectors: This module contains several advanced selectors, including attribute selectors, nth-child selectors, and pseudo-elements.
Box Model: This module deals with how elements are displayed on a web page using CSS. It includes properties like width, height, margin, padding, and border.
Text: This module deals with the styling of text, including font families, font size, font weight, text color, text alignment, and text decoration.
Backgrounds and Borders: This module deals with the styling of an element's background and border. It includes properties like background-color, background-image, border-color, border-width, and border-style.
Generated Content: This module provides the ability to add content to an HTML element using CSS. It includes properties like content and ::before and ::after pseudo-elements.
Transformations: This module allows you to transform an element in 2D or 3D space. The properties include translate, rotate, scale, and transform-origin.
Animations: This module provides the ability to create animations using CSS. It includes properties like animation-name, animation-duration, and animation-timing-function.
Flexbox: This module provides a flexible way to layout elements on a web page. The properties include display: flex and flex-wrap.
Grid: This module provides a grid-based layout system for web pages. The properties include grid-template-rows, grid-template-columns, and grid-gap.
Variables: This module introduces variables in CSS, which can be used to store and reuse values throughout your CSS. The properties include --variable-name and var().