Nature of God/Gods

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Beliefs about the nature of the divine, whether monotheistic or polytheistic.

Monotheism: Belief in one god as opposed to many gods or no god at all.
Polytheism: Belief in many gods or deities.
Pantheism: Belief that the divine exists in everything and everyone, and the universe is the divine.
Atheism: Belief in no god or gods.
Agnosticism: Belief that the existence of god or gods cannot be proved or disproved.
Theism: Belief in a personal god who interacts with the world.
Deism: Belief in a distant god who created the world but does not intervene in it.
Providence: Belief that god or gods govern and provide for the world and its inhabitants.
Omniscience: Belief that god or gods know everything.
Omnipotence: Belief that god or gods have unlimited power.
Omnibenevolence: Belief that god or gods are completely good and loving.
Immanence: Belief that god or gods are present and active in the world.
Transcendence: Belief that god or gods are beyond human experience and comprehension.
Mysticism: Belief in direct, personal experiences of the divine.
Revelation: Belief that god or gods have revealed themselves to humanity, usually through religious texts or prophets.
Human nature: Beliefs about the nature of human beings and their relationship to the divine, including concepts like sin, suffering, and salvation.
Creation: Beliefs about the origin of the world and humanity, including creation stories or myths.
Afterlife: Beliefs about what happens to a person after death, including concepts like heaven, hell, reincarnation, or annihilation.
Rituals: Religious or spiritual practices and ceremonies, such as prayer, meditation, or sacrifice, that are believed to connect individuals with the divine.
Ethics: Beliefs and principles about right and wrong behavior and moral codes, often based on the teachings of the divine or religious texts.
Monotheism: The belief in one God or deity.
Polytheism: The belief in multiple Gods or deities.
Pantheism: The belief that God is equivalent to the universe and everything in it.
Panentheism: The belief that God is both within and transcends the universe.
Henotheism: The belief in one God among many, and that this God is superior to all others.
Animism: The belief that everything in nature, including plants, animals, and inanimate objects, has a spiritual essence or soul.
Deism: The belief that God is the creator of the universe, but not involved in its day-to-day operations.
Atheism: The lack of belief in God or deities.
Agnosticism: The belief that it is impossible to know if God or deities exist.
Dualism: The belief that the world is divided into two opposing forces, such as good and evil, and that God is one of these forces.
Nontheism: The belief that God or deities do not play a significant role in personal or societal affairs.
Pandeism: The belief that God became the universe and ceased to exist as a separate entity.
Non-dualism: The belief that God and the universe are one and the same.
Theism: The belief in a God who is personal, involved in the world, and answers prayers.
Unitarianism: The belief in one God and the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals.
Traditionalism: The belief in the traditional teachings and practices of a particular religion or culture.
Quote: "Monotheism is the belief that there is only one deity, an all-supreme being that is universally referred to as God."
Quote: "A distinction may be made between exclusive monotheism, in which the one God is a singular existence, and both inclusive and pluriform monotheism, in which multiple gods or godly forms are recognized, but each are postulated as extensions of the same God."
Quote: "Monotheism is distinguished from henotheism, a religious system in which the believer worships one God without denying that others may worship different gods with equal validity."
Quote: "Monolatrism is the recognition of the existence of many gods but with the consistent worship of only one deity."
Quote: "The term monolatry was perhaps first used by Julius Wellhausen."
Quote: "Monotheism characterizes the traditions of Bábism, the Baháʼí Faith, Cheondoism, Christianity, Deism, Druzism, Eckankar, Sikhism, some sects of Hinduism (such as Shaivism and Vaishnavism), Islam, Judaism, Samaritanism, Mandaeism, Rastafari, Seicho-no-Ie, Tenrikyo, Yazidism, and Atenism."
Quote: "Elements of monotheistic thought are found in early religions such as Zoroastrianism, ancient Chinese religion, and Yahwism."
Quote: "Monotheism characterizes the traditions of Bábism."
Quote: "Monotheism characterizes the traditions of Christianity."
Quote: "Inclusive and pluriform monotheism, in which multiple gods or godly forms are recognized, but each are postulated as extensions of the same God."
Quote: "Henotheism is a religious system in which the believer worships one God without denying that others may worship different gods with equal validity."
Quote: "Monolatrism is the recognition of the existence of many gods but with the consistent worship of only one deity."
Quote: "Henotheism can be found in some sects of Hinduism (such as Shaivism and Vaishnavism)."
Quote: "Yahwism, an ancient religion, demonstrates elements of monotheistic thought."
Quote: "Monotheism characterizes the traditions... some sects of Hinduism (such as Shaivism and Vaishnavism), Islam, Judaism, Samaritanism, Mandaeism, and others."
Quote: "A distinction may be made between exclusive monotheism... and both inclusive and pluriform monotheism."
Quote: "Monotheism characterizes the traditions of Deism."
Quote: "Monolatrism is the recognition of the existence of many gods but with the consistent worship of only one deity."
Quote: "Monotheism characterizes the traditions of Sikhism."
Quote: "Monotheism characterizes... Atenism."