
Home > Virtues & Parental Teaching > Social skills > Negotiations

The ability to communicate and persuade others in order to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

Communication Skills: This topic covers the various modes of communication and how to effectively communicate with others. It includes understanding different communication styles and overcoming communication barriers.
Active Listening: This topic involves learning how to listen attentively and actively to others, understanding their needs, and responding appropriately.
Emotional Intelligence: This topic covers the ability to recognize emotions in yourself and others, and to use this knowledge effectively to manage relationships and communication.
Conflict Resolution: This topic involves learning effective strategies for managing and resolving conflicts in a calm and constructive manner.
Persuasion and Influence: This topic covers the art of influencing others towards a particular outcome, understanding the motivations of others and how to navigate power dynamics.
Body Language: This topic involves understanding non-verbal communication and how to utilize it effectively to enhance communication and better understand others.
Preparation and Planning: This topic emphasizes the importance of preparation and planning in negotiations, including identifying goals, understanding the other party’s objectives, and considering potential risks and concessions.
Collaboration and Teamwork: This topic covers the importance of teamwork and collaboration in negotiations, including how to build trust, foster positive relationships, and work effectively with others to achieve shared goals.
Ethics and Integrity: This topic emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior and maintaining integrity in negotiations, including avoiding deception, fostering transparency, and promoting fairness.
Cultural Awareness: This topic involves understanding the cultural differences and nuances that can impact negotiations, including different communication styles, values, and taboos.
Distributive Negotiation: This type of negotiation is focused on allocating resources between two parties. It's a type of negotiation where one party gains when the other loses, so it's often seen as a zero-sum game.
Integrative Negotiation: This type of negotiation is focused on creating a win-win situation for both parties involved. The goal is to maximize both party's gains by identifying common interests and finding solutions that benefit both.
Competitive Negotiation: This negotiation is more confrontational and involves parties trying to outmaneuver each other to gain an advantage.
Constitutive Negotiation: This negotiation is about establishing a relationship between the parties involved by negotiating the terms of the relationship.
Cooperative Negotiation: This type of negotiation is focused on working together to achieve a common goal. Both parties are willing to collaborate and compromise to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome.
Cross-cultural Negotiation: A negotiation that takes place between individuals or groups from different cultural backgrounds. It requires understanding social customs, values, and beliefs, and finding a common ground to avoid misunderstandings or cultural missteps.
Crisis Negotiation: This type of negotiation takes place during high-stress situations, such as hostage negotiations or conflict resolution between two parties in a volatile situation.
Emotional Negotiation: Emotional negotiation involves understanding and managing personal emotions and how they may affect the negotiation process. This negotiation emphasizes both parties' feelings and interests rather than their positions.
Facilitative Negotiation: This type of negotiation focuses on achieving a successful outcome by actively guiding both parties through the negotiation process.
Mediation: This type of negotiation involves a third-party mediator who helps both parties resolve their differences in a neutral and unbiased way.
"Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more parties to resolve points of difference, gain an advantage for an individual or collective, or craft outcomes to satisfy various interests."
"The parties aspire to agree on matters of mutual interest."
"The agreement can be beneficial for all or some of the parties involved."
"The negotiators should establish their own needs and wants while also seeking to understand the wants and needs of others involved."
"Closing deals, avoiding conflicts, forming relationships with other parties, or maximizing mutual gains."
"Distributive negotiations, or compromises, are conducted by putting forward a position and making concessions to achieve an agreement."
"The degree to which the negotiating parties trust each other to implement the negotiated solution is a major factor in determining the success of a negotiation."
"Negotiations may occur in organizations, including businesses, non-profits, and governments, as well as in sales and legal proceedings, and personal situations such as marriage, divorce, parenting, friendship, etc."
"Examples of professional negotiators include union negotiators, leverage buyout negotiators, peace negotiators, and hostage negotiators."
"They may also work under other titles, such as diplomats, legislators, or arbitrators."
"Negotiations may also be conducted by algorithms or machines in what is known as automated negotiation."
"Examples of professional negotiators include union negotiators, leverage buyout negotiators, peace negotiators, and hostage negotiators."
"Recent negotiation embraces complexity."
"People negotiate daily, often without considering it a negotiation."
"Negotiations may occur... in personal situations such as marriage, divorce, parenting, friendship, etc."
"The negotiators should establish their own needs and wants while also seeking to understand the wants and needs of others involved to increase their chances of... forming relationships with other parties."
"Negotiations may occur... in sales and legal proceedings."
"The negotiators should establish their own needs and wants while also seeking to understand the wants and needs of others involved to increase their chances of closing deals, avoiding conflicts, forming relationships with other parties, or maximizing mutual gains."
"Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more parties to resolve points of difference."
"Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more parties to... gain an advantage for an individual or collective."