"Character education is an umbrella term loosely used to describe the teaching of children and adults in a manner that will help them develop variously as moral, civic, good, mannered, behaved, non-bullying, healthy, critical, successful, traditional, compliant or socially acceptable beings."
This subfield examines how perseverance can be taught and developed in individuals through educational channels.
Definition of character education: Character education encompasses teaching young individuals the skills they need to become responsible, respectful, and ethical citizens, such as perseverance.
The importance of character education: Teaching character education to young individuals helps them develop a strong sense of character, which enables them to become better citizens and individuals with a strong sense of responsibility, respect, and integrity.
Perseverance defined: Perseverance is the ability to keep going and persist in the face of difficulties, obstacles, and challenges, without giving up or quitting.
Benefits of perseverance: Perseverance helps individuals learn how to overcome obstacles and adversity, which leads to greater resilience, persistence, and success in life.
Strategies for fostering perseverance: Educators and parents can use a variety of strategies to help young individuals develop perseverance, including setting goals, breaking goals down into smaller, achievable steps, providing positive feedback, and modeling perseverance.
The role of character traits in perseverance: Perseverance is linked to a number of other character traits, including grit, determination, courage, and resilience, which all work together to help individuals overcome challenges and obstacles in life.
The role of school and community in fostering perseverance: Schools and communities play an important role in fostering perseverance by providing supportive environments, opportunities for learning and growth, and positive role models.
Evaluation of character education programs: Evaluating the effectiveness of character education programs is critical to ensuring their success and identifying areas for improvement.
The role of technology in character education: Technology can be used to enhance character education, by providing students with engaging and interactive learning experiences and allowing for the implementation of innovative strategies for fostering perseverance.
Cultivating perseverance in everyday life: Perseverance is not only important in academic and professional settings but also in everyday life. Practicing perseverance in everyday situations can help individuals develop the ability to overcome challenges and achieve success in all areas of life.
Grit: Having sustained passion and perseverance even in the face of obstacles.
Resilience: Showing the ability to recover quickly from difficulties, setbacks, or failures.
Determination: Actively working towards a goal and refusing to give up until it is achieved.
Endurance: Being able to persist through challenges, even when they are difficult and long-lasting.
Tenacity: Refusing to give up or be deterred by difficulties or obstacles.
Resourcefulness: Finding creative solutions to problems and challenges.
Patience: Being able to endure and tolerate challenges or difficult situations with calmness.
Self-discipline: Being able to suppress impulses and work diligently towards a goal.
Focus: Staying interested and engaged in a task or project, despite distractions.
Perseverance: Persistently working towards a goal, despite difficulties or setbacks.
"Concepts that now and in the past have fallen under this term include social and emotional learning, moral reasoning and cognitive development, life skills education, health education, violence prevention, critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and conflict resolution and mediation."
"Some are commercial, some non-profit and many are uniquely devised by states, districts and schools themselves."
"A common approach of these programs is to provide a list of principles, pillars, values or virtues, which are memorized or around which themed activities are planned."
"It is commonly claimed that the values included in any particular list are universally recognized. However, there is no agreement among the competing programs on core values..."
"...honesty, stewardship, kindness, generosity, courage, freedom, justice, equality, and respect."
"There is also no common or standard means for assessing, implementing or evaluating programs."
"Today, there are dozens of character education programs in, and vying for adoption by, schools and businesses."
"...adopted by schools and businesses."
"Many of these are now considered failed programs, i.e. 'religious education', 'moral development', 'values clarification'."
"Some are commercial, some non-profit and many are uniquely devised by states, districts and schools themselves."
"...to describe the teaching of children and adults in a manner that will help them develop variously as moral, civic, good, mannered, behaved, non-bullying, healthy, critical, successful, traditional, compliant or socially acceptable beings."
"...to help them develop variously as moral, civic, good, mannered, behaved, non-bullying, healthy, critical, successful, traditional, compliant or socially acceptable beings."
"There is no agreement among the competing programs on core values..."
"A common approach of these programs is to provide a list of principles, pillars, values or virtues, which are memorized or around which themed activities are planned."
"There is no common or standard means for assessing, implementing or evaluating programs."
"...moral, civic, good, mannered, behaved, non-bullying, healthy, critical, successful, traditional, compliant or socially acceptable beings."
"Some are commercial, some non-profit and many are uniquely devised by states, districts and schools themselves."
"...conflict resolution and mediation."
"Many of these are now considered failed programs, i.e. 'religious education', 'moral development', 'values clarification'."