Technology Etiquette

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Guidelines and best practices for using digital communication tools, such as email, social media, and instant messaging.

Cyberbullying: How to avoid and address online bullying and harassment.
Email etiquette: Tips for composing and responding to emails in a professional and courteous manner.
Netiquette: A general guide to polite online communication, including chat rooms, forums, and social media sites.
Privacy: Understanding how to protect personal privacy online and in technology use.
Respectful language: The importance of using respectful language in all technological communications.
Technology addiction: Understanding the signs and symptoms of technology addiction and how to prevent it.
Online safety: Tips and guidelines for staying safe while online, including avoiding scams and malware.
Social media manners: How to use social media appropriately, including the do's and don'ts of posting and sharing online.
Video conferencing: Best practices for online video conferencing, including proper attire and minimizing distractions.
Online dating etiquette: Tips for navigating the online dating sphere politely and respectfully.
Mobile Phone Etiquette: This includes avoiding loud conversations in public places, turning your phone on silent in meetings, or keeping it on airplane mode during a flight.
Email Communication Etiquette: This includes using a professional tone, keeping the email brief and to the point, avoiding sending too many messages, and being careful when choosing the right reply all option.
Social Media Etiquette: This includes using proper language, avoiding sensitive topics, avoiding oversharing, and being cautious when posting something that may hurt someone's sentiments.
Video Conference Etiquette: This includes finding a quiet and well-lit room with a neutral background, muting yourself when not speaking, being on time and avoiding multitasking.
Cybersecurity Etiquette: This includes keeping your passwords strong and secure, updating your software regularly, and being mindful of what you share online.
Text Messaging Etiquette: This includes avoiding using all capitals, using proper grammar, avoiding abbreviations, and not sending too many texts in one go.
Audio Listening Etiquette: This includes using headphones in public spaces, restricting the volume to avoid disturbing others, and avoiding sensitive material in public places.
Video Watching Etiquette: This includes avoiding watching videos without headphones in public spaces, keeping the volume low, and turning off auto-play in public places.
Gaming Etiquette: This includes avoiding picking up the microphone unless it's needed, avoiding overly aggressive behavior, and being mindful of game rules.
Complaint Etiquette: This includes raising your concern or complaint through proper channels, remaining calm, being polite, and communicating the issue clearly.
"Etiquette in technology, colloquially referred to as netiquette is a term used to refer to the unofficial code of policies that encourage good behavior on the Internet which is used to regulate respect and polite behavior on social media platforms, online chatting sites, web forums, and other online engagement websites."
"It is a social code that is used in all places where one can interact with other human beings via the Internet, including text messaging, email, online games, Internet forums, chat rooms, and many more."
"The rules of etiquette that apply when communicating over the Internet are different from these applied when communicating in person or by audio (such as telephone) or photographic phone."
"It can be a challenge to communicate on the Internet without misunderstandings mainly because input from facial expressions and body language is absent in cyberspace."
"Several rules, in an attempt to safeguard against these misunderstandings and to discourage unfriendly behavior, are regularly put in place at many websites, and often enforced by moderation by the website's users or administrators."