"Dean Kamen invented a two-wheeled, self-balancing personal transporter device named 'Segway.'"
A two-wheeled electric vehicle used for short-distance transportation.
History of Segway: This covers the origins of the Segway, including when and where it was invented, initial design concepts, and the first Segway models.
Segway technology and mechanics: This covers the technical workings of a Segway, including the sensors, gyroscopes, motors, and other components that allow it to move and maintain balance.
Segway safety: This includes information on how to safely operate a Segway, the necessary safety equipment to use, and tips for avoiding accidents.
Segway laws and regulations: This covers the laws and regulations surrounding Segway use in different locations, including where they are allowed to be ridden, speed limits, and licensing requirements.
Segway maintenance and repair: This includes information on how to properly maintain a Segway, common issues that may arise, and how to troubleshoot and repair problems.
Segway accessories: This covers the optional accessories that can be used with a Segway, such as bags, lights, and phone holders.
Segway models and variations: This includes information on the different models and variations of Segways available, including differences in size, weight capacity, and features.
Segway uses and applications: This covers the various ways Segways are used, including personal transportation, security patrols, and tourist excursions.
"Dean Kamen...then established Segway Inc. in the USA."
"HT is an initialism for 'human transporter.'"
"PT stands for 'personal transporter.'"
"Ninebot, a Beijing-based transportation robotics startup rival, acquired Segway Inc. in April 2015."
"Ninebot...broadened the company to include other transportation devices."
"It brought to market in 2001 as the Segway HT."
"Subsequently as the Segway PT, and manufactured by Segway Inc."
"Announced in June 2020, it would no longer make Segway PT."
"The Segway is a registered trademark of Segway Inc."
"Segway Inc. is based in the USA."
"A two-wheeled, self-balancing personal transporter device."
"Acquired Segway Inc. in April 2015."
"Ninebot, a Beijing-based transportation robotics startup rival."
"Ninebot...broadened the company to include other transportation devices."
"Named 'Segway.'"
"PT stands for 'personal transporter.'"
"Manufactured by Segway Inc."
"Ninebot, a Beijing-based transportation robotics startup rival."
"Announced...it would no longer make Segway PT."