Space Physiology

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Study of how the human body adapts to spaceflight, including changes in blood flow, bone density, and muscle mass.

Human spaceflight history: The study of the various space missions, including their goals, challenges, and outcomes.
Space environment: The study of the physical and biological factors that affect human health and performance in space, including gravity, radiation, and microgravity.
Spacecraft design: The study of the engineering and technology involved in designing a spacecraft that can support human life in space, including life support systems, space suits, and medical equipment.
Space medicine: The medical specialty that focuses on the health and wellbeing of astronauts and their support staff in space.
Human physiology: The study of how the human body works, including topics like anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry.
Space psychology: The study of how space travel affects human behavior and mental health, including topics like stress, sleep, and isolation.
Nutrition: The study of how nutrients affect human health and performance, including topics like metabolism, hydration, and diet.
Exercise physiology: The study of how physical activity affects the human body, including topics like muscle function, cardiovascular health, and bone density.
Human factors engineering: The study of how human beings interact with their environment, including topics like ergonomics, human-machine interface, and human error.
Emergency medicine: The study of medical treatments and procedures necessary for astronauts in emergency situations, including topics like first aid, resuscitation, and medical evacuation.
Environmental health: The study of the impact of environmental factors on human health, including topics like air quality, water quality, and chemical exposure.
Toxicology: The study of how toxic substances affect human health, including topics like toxicity testing, pharmacology, and risk assessment.
Microbiology: The study of microorganisms, including their role in human health, disease, and biotechnology.
Radiation biology: The study of how ionizing radiation affects living organisms, including topics like radiation dosage, radiation protection, and cancer risks.
Biomedical engineering: The application of engineering principles to the study and design of medical equipment and devices, including topics like sensors, imaging, and prosthetics.
Microgravity Physiology: Explore how the human body adapts to the microgravity environment during spaceflight.
Radiation Physiology: Study the effects of ionizing radiation on the human body during long-duration space missions.
Cardiovascular Physiology: Examine the effects of spaceflight on the cardiovascular system of astronauts.
Musculoskeletal Physiology: Investigate the effects of microgravity on the musculoskeletal system of astronauts, including bone loss and muscle atrophy.
Neurological Physiology: Study the effects of spaceflight on the nervous system of astronauts, including changes to sensory perception, motor control, and cognitive performance.
Immunology Physiology: Study the effects of spaceflight on the immune system and susceptibility to infections.
Respiratory Physiology: Examine how the human respiratory system is affected by microgravity.
Sleep Physiology: Investigate how sleep patterns are affected by the space environment.
Nutrition Physiology: Study the effects of spaceflight on nutrition and metabolism, and research new ways to maintain adequate nutrition during long-duration missions.
Psychological Physiology: Study the psychological effects of long-duration spaceflight on astronauts, as well as new ways to support their mental health and well-being.
"Space medicine is a specialized field, which developed from Aerospace medicine, that focuses on the acute medical care of astronauts and spaceflight participants."
"The spaceflight environment poses many unique stressors to the human body, including G forces, microgravity, unusual atmospheres such as low pressure or high carbon dioxide, and space radiation."
"Space medicine applies emergency medicine, acute care medicine, critical care medicine, interventional radiology, radiology, austere medicine, and toxicology perspectives."
"This expertise is then used to inform vehicle systems design to minimize the risk to human health and performance while meeting mission objectives."
"Astronautical hygiene is the application of science and technology to the prevention or control of exposure to the hazards that may cause astronaut ill health."
"Both these sciences work together to ensure that astronauts work in a safe environment."
"Medical consequences such as possible blindness and bone loss have been associated with human spaceflight."
"In October 2015, the NASA Office of Inspector General issued a health hazards report related to space exploration, including a human mission to Mars."
"Aerospace medicine developed into space medicine, focusing on the acute medical care of astronauts and spaceflight participants."
"Unusual atmospheres such as low pressure or high carbon dioxide" are unique stressors in space.
"Space medicine applies emergency medicine, acute care medicine, critical care medicine, interventional radiology, radiology, austere medicine, and toxicology perspectives."
"This expertise is then used to inform vehicle systems design to minimize the risk to human health and performance while meeting mission objectives."
"Astronautical hygiene ensures the prevention or control of exposure to hazards that may cause astronaut ill health."
"Possible blindness and bone loss have been associated with human spaceflight."
"The health hazards report related to space exploration, including a human mission to Mars."
"The spaceflight environment poses many unique stressors to the human body, including G forces, microgravity, unusual atmospheres such as low pressure or high carbon dioxide, and space radiation."
"The main focus of space medicine is the acute medical care of astronauts and spaceflight participants."
"Space medicine applies emergency medicine, acute care medicine, critical care medicine, interventional radiology, radiology, austere medicine, and toxicology perspectives to treat and prepare for medical problems in space."
"Astronautical hygiene is important to prevent astronaut ill health caused by various hazards."
"The NASA Office of Inspector General issued a health hazards report related to space exploration, including a human mission to Mars, in October 2015."