"In spaceflight, an orbital maneuver (otherwise known as a burn) is the use of propulsion systems to change the orbit of a spacecraft."
Changes in orbit such as Hohmann transfer and bi-elliptic transfer.
"For spacecraft far from Earth (for example those in orbits around the Sun) an orbital maneuver is called a deep-space maneuver (DSM)."
"The rest of the flight, especially in a transfer orbit, is called coasting."
"The use of propulsion systems to change the orbit of a spacecraft."
"Spacecraft far from Earth, such as those in orbits around the Sun."
"An orbital maneuver is otherwise known as a burn."
"Propulsion systems."
"Coasting occurs during the rest of the flight, especially in a transfer orbit."
"A deep-space maneuver is performed by spacecraft that are far from Earth."
"The orbit of a spacecraft."
"Deep-space maneuvers are performed by spacecraft far from Earth and in orbits around the Sun."
"The part of the flight where there is no propulsion, particularly in a transfer orbit."
"Propulsion systems."
"For spacecraft in orbits far from Earth, such as around the Sun."
"To change the spacecraft's orbit."
"It is the remaining portion of the flight, specifically during a transfer orbit."
"Orbital maneuvers involve the use of propulsion systems, while coasting refers to the absence of propulsion."
"When it is far from Earth or in an orbit around the Sun."
"A burn."