"The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is a proposed space probe to detect and accurately measure gravitational waves—tiny ripples in the fabric of spacetime—from astronomical sources."
The new gravitational-wave observatories that are currently in development, such as LISA, the space-based observatory, and KAGRA, the observatory in Japan.
General Relativity: Understanding general relativity is important because it is the theory that describes gravity and how it affects the universe.
Gravitational Waves: Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time that are caused by massive bodies moving through space. Understanding gravitational waves is essential for understanding how they are detected.
LIGO: The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) is the first instrument to directly detect gravitational waves. Learning about LIGO will provide insight into the technology used to detect these waves.
Virgo: Virgo is a gravitational wave detector located in Italy. Learning about the differences and similarities between Virgo and LIGO will provide a better understanding of the limitations and capabilities of each detector.
KAGRA: The Kamioka Gravitational Wave Detector (KAGRA) is a Japanese observatory that is currently under construction. Learning about KAGRA will give insight into the future of gravitational wave detection.
Advanced LIGO: Advanced LIGO is an upgraded version of the LIGO detector that is more sensitive and can detect gravitational waves at a greater distance. Understanding the improvements made to LIGO will provide insight into the future of gravitational wave detection.
Interferometry: Interferometry is a technique that uses the interference of light waves to measure distance. Understanding this technique is essential for understanding how gravitational wave detectors work.
Black Holes: Black holes are some of the most massive objects in the universe and are one of the sources of gravitational waves. Understanding black holes is crucial for understanding the sources of these waves.
Neutron Stars: Neutron stars are the remnant cores of massive stars and are another source of gravitational waves. Understanding neutron stars is also important for understanding the sources of these waves.
Supermassive Black Holes: Supermassive black holes are millions or billions of times more massive than the sun and are thought to be the source of the most powerful gravitational waves. Understanding supermassive black holes is essential for understanding the most powerful gravitational wave events.
Interferometers: Interferometers are the most commonly used type of gravitational-wave detector. They work by splitting a laser beam and sending it down two separate arms. The beams are then recombined and any changes in the relative length of the arms caused by passing gravitational waves are detected.
Resonant Mass Detectors: Resonant Mass Detectors are large spheres made of super-cooled materials such as aluminum or copper, which vibrate when hit by gravitational waves. These vibrations are then detected using very sensitive instruments.
Pulsar Timing Arrays: This type of gravitational-wave detector consists of a network of pulsars, which are rapidly rotating neutron stars that emit regular radio pulses. Gravitational waves passing through the universe can cause a slight wobble in the timing of these pulses, which is measured to detect the gravitational waves.
Atom Interferometry: Atom Interferometers use cold atoms to detect gravitational waves. These atoms are split into two beams using lasers and then made to interfere with each other. Any changes caused by passing gravitational waves are detected.
Cosmic Microwave Background: Cosmic Microwave Background detectors measure the radiation left over from the Big Bang. Changes in this radiation caused by passing gravitational waves can provide information about these waves.
Space-Based Detectors: Detectors placed in space can avoid the noise and interference caused by Earth-based detectors. They can be interferometers or other types, such as a laser interferometer in a triangular formation (LISA).
Gravitational wave Astronomy: Gravitational wave astronomy instruments allow scientists to directly map the location of sources of gravitational waves in the sky.
Third-Generation Detectors: Third-generation gravitational-wave detectors, like Einstein Telescope or Cosmic Explorer, will be more sensitive, have a longer operating range and be able to detect a wider variety of gravitational waves.
"It aims to measure gravitational waves directly by using laser interferometry."
"The LISA concept has a constellation of three spacecraft arranged in an equilateral triangle with sides 2.5 million kilometres long, flying along an Earth-like heliocentric orbit."
"The distance between the satellites is precisely monitored to detect a passing gravitational wave."
"The LISA project started out as a joint effort between NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA)."
"Nasa announced that it would be unable to continue its LISA partnership with the European Space Agency due to funding limitations."
"On June 20, 2017, the suggested mission received its clearance goal for the 2030s and was approved as one of the main research missions of ESA."
"The LISA mission is designed for direct observation of gravitational waves, which are distortions of spacetime traveling at the speed of light."
"Passing gravitational waves alternately squeeze and stretch space itself by a tiny amount."
"Gravitational waves are caused by energetic events in the universe and, unlike any other radiation, can pass unhindered by intervening mass."
"Potential sources for signals are merging massive black holes at the center of galaxies, massive black holes orbited by small compact objects, known as extreme mass ratio inspirals, binaries of compact stars in our Galaxy, and possibly other sources of cosmological origin."
"Launching LISA will add a new sense to scientists' perception of the universe and enable them to study phenomena that are invisible in normal light."
"Launching LISA will add a new sense to scientists' perception of the universe and enable them to study phenomena that are invisible in normal light."
"Speculative astrophysical objects like cosmic strings and domain boundaries."
"In 2013, ESA selected 'The Gravitational Universe' as the theme for one of its three large projects in the 2030s whereby it committed to launch a space-based gravitational-wave observatory."
"A scaled-down design initially known as the New Gravitational-wave Observatory (NGO) was proposed as one of three large projects in ESA's long term plans."
"In January 2017, LISA was proposed as the candidate mission."
"Gravitational waves—tiny ripples in the fabric of spacetime."
"Unlike any other radiation, [gravitational waves] can pass unhindered by intervening mass."
"A cosmological phase transition shortly after the Big Bang."