Social stratification

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The hierarchical organization of society based on income, education, occupation, and social status.

Class: This refers to the high, middle, and low classes in society, and how individuals are allocated to each.
Race and Ethnicity: This involves the social groups in society based on visible physical characteristics such as skin color, eye shape, and so on, and how these groups are stratified.
Gender: This involves how men and women are stratified and how gender roles are reinforced or challenged.
Age: This involves the stratification of societies based on age group, particularly in the context of the elderly.
Education: This involves the way that access to higher education or professional training can impact an individual’s social mobility.
Occupation: This involves the way that occupations are stratified, with some jobs considered to be more prestigious than others.
Income: This involves how income and financial resources can impact social status and access to resources.
Housing: This involves the way that housing disparities can impact social stratification, particularly in urban areas.
Healthcare: This involves the way that access to healthcare resources can be stratified based on social status.
Political and Legal Systems: This involves the way that the political and legal system can impact social stratification, particularly in terms of access to power and resources.
Caste System: A type of social stratification in which people are born into a specific social group and cannot move out of it. The caste system is common in some traditional societies such as India.
Class System: A type of social stratification based on economic and social status. People belong to different classes based on their occupation, income, education, and lifestyle.
Race and Ethnic Stratification: A type of social stratification based on race and ethnicity. People from different racial and ethnic groups have different levels of access to resources and opportunities.
Gender Stratification: A type of social stratification based on gender. Women and men are treated differently in terms of social status, income, and access to resources.
Age Stratification: A type of social stratification based on age. Older people are valued less than younger people in some societies, while in others, they are respected and enjoy a higher social status.
Religion Stratification: A type of social stratification based on religion. People belonging to different religious groups have different levels of social status.
Sexual Orientation Stratification: A type of social stratification based on sexual orientation. In some societies, people who identify as LGBTQIA+ face social stigma and discrimination.
Physical Ability Stratification: A type of social stratification based on physical ability. People with disabilities face social exclusion and limited access to resources and opportunities.
Geographic Stratification: A type of social stratification based on the region where someone lives. People from certain parts of the country or world may have less access to resources and opportunities than those in more prosperous regions.
Educational Stratification: A type of social stratification based on education. People with advanced degrees and higher levels of education typically have better job opportunities and higher social status.
"Social stratification refers to a society's categorization of its people into groups based on socioeconomic factors like wealth, income, race, education, ethnicity, gender, occupation, social status, or derived power (social and political)."
"In modern Western societies, social stratification is typically defined in terms of three social classes: the upper class, the middle class, and the lower class."
"Each class can be subdivided into the upper-stratum, the middle-stratum, and the lower stratum."
"A social stratum can be formed upon the bases of kinship, clan, tribe, or caste, or all four."
"The categorization of people by social stratum occurs most clearly in complex state-based, polycentric, or feudal societies..."
"Whether social stratification first appeared in hunter-gatherer, tribal, and band societies or whether it began with agriculture and large-scale means of social exchange remains a matter of debate in the social sciences."
"The degree of social inequality determines a person's social stratum."
"Generally, the greater the social complexity of a society, the more social stratification exists, by way of social differentiation."
"Stratification can yield various consequences. For instance, the stratification of neighborhoods based on spatial and racial factors can influence disparate access to mortgage credit."
"The stratification of neighborhoods based on spatial and racial factors can influence disparate access to mortgage credit."
"...socioeconomic factors like wealth, income, race, education, ethnicity, gender, occupation, social status, or derived power (social and political)."
"Stratification is the relative social position of persons within a social group, category, geographic region, or social unit."
"Social stratification is typically defined in terms of three social classes: the upper class, the middle class, and the lower class."
"A social stratum can be formed upon the bases of kinship, clan, tribe, or caste, or all four."
"Whether social stratification first appeared in hunter-gatherer, tribal, and band societies or whether it began with agriculture and large-scale means of social exchange remains a matter of debate..."
"Determining the structures of social stratification arises from inequalities of status among persons..."
"The stratification of neighborhoods based on spatial and racial factors can influence disparate access to mortgage credit."
"Generally, the greater the social complexity of a society, the more social stratification exists..."
"Each class can be subdivided into the upper-stratum, the middle-stratum, and the lower stratum."
"The categorization of people by social stratum occurs most clearly in complex state-based, polycentric, or feudal societies..."