Quote: "Economic globalization is one of the three main dimensions of globalization commonly found in academic literature..."
This subfield studies changes in economic systems, policies, and institutions like globalization, labor markets, trade agreements and global financial policies.
Economic growth: An increase in the production of goods and services over time.
Technology: The study of how technology affects society and the economy.
Globalization: The integration of markets and free trade between countries.
Income inequality: The unequal distribution of income among groups or individuals.
Employment: The study of labor market dynamics, such as unemployment rates and workforce participation rates.
Poverty: The measurement of the level of income or resources below the minimum necessary to meet basic needs.
Migration: The movement of people across international borders in search of work or better living conditions.
Consumer behavior: The study of how consumers make purchasing decisions and how advertising and marketing influence those decisions.
Fiscal policy: The use of government spending and taxation to influence economic activity.
Monetary policy: The regulation of the money supply and interest rates by a central bank to control inflation and stimulate economic growth.
Economic development: The study of how countries or regions can achieve long-term economic growth and improve living standards.
International trade: The exchange of goods and services between different countries.
Environmental economics: The study of how economic systems affect the environment and how environmental policies can influence economic growth.
Economic history: The study of how past economic conditions have influenced the present.
Industrial organization: The study of the way firms organize themselves and operate in markets.
Behavioral economics: The study of how psychological and social factors influence economic decision-making.
Game theory: The study of strategic decision-making in situations where the outcome depends on the choices of others.
Public choice theory: The study of how government policies are influenced by the incentives and preferences of politicians and bureaucrats.
Health economics: The study of how health care systems and policies affect economic outcomes.
Education economics: The study of how education systems and policies affect economic outcomes.
Technological Change: Refers to a shift in technology that is used by businesses to manufacture products or communicate ideas. It can also refer to changes in society as a whole, like the shift from manual labor to industrialization.
Political Change: Refers to changes in the political structure within a society. These changes can include the change of government, the introduction of new laws, or amendments to current laws.
Demographic Change: Refers to changes in the population structure, such as an increase in the number of aging people, changes in the birth rate, or migration patterns.
Globalization: Refers to the increasing interdependence of individuals and businesses across the world. This interdependence can lead to the spread of cultures, ideas, and technologies.
Cultural Change: Refers to changes in the values, beliefs, and behaviors of individuals and societies. This change can be influenced by factors such as education, social norms, or media.
Environmental Change: Refers to changes in natural resources, weather, and climate patterns. These changes can affect the availability of resources and have a major impact on business and society.
Economic Change: Refers to changes in the economy of a society, such as changes in interest rates, inflation, or employment rates. These changes can have a significant impact on individuals and the economy as a whole.
Quote: "Economic globalization refers to the widespread international movement of goods, capital, services, technology and information."
Quote: "It is the increasing economic integration and interdependence of national, regional, and local economies across the world through an intensification of cross-border movement of goods, services, technologies and capital."
Quote: "Economic globalization primarily comprises the globalization of production, finance, markets, technology, organizational regimes, institutions, corporations, and people."
Quote: "It has grown at an increased rate due to improvements in the efficiency of long-distance transportation, advances in telecommunication, the importance of information rather than physical capital in the modern economy, and by developments in science and technology."
Quote: "The rate of globalization has also increased under the framework of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization, in which countries gradually cut down trade barriers and opened up their current accounts and capital accounts."
Quote: "This recent boom has been largely supported by developed economies integrating with developing countries through foreign direct investment, lowering costs of doing business, the reduction of trade barriers, and in many cases cross-border migration."
Quote: "The widespread international movement of goods..."
Quote: "The globalization of production, finance, markets, technology, organizational regimes, institutions, corporations, and people."
Quote: "Improvements in the efficiency of long-distance transportation, advances in telecommunication, and developments in science and technology."
Quote: "The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization."
Quote: "Countries gradually cut down trade barriers and opened up their current accounts and capital accounts."
Quote: "Developed economies integrating with developing countries through foreign direct investment..."
Quote: No direct quote provided in the paragraph.
Quote: No direct quote provided in the paragraph.
Quote: "Advances in telecommunication" and "developments in science and technology."
Quote: "The importance of information rather than physical capital in the modern economy."
Quote: "Countries gradually cut down trade barriers..."
Quote: No direct quote provided in the paragraph.
Quote: "...and in many cases cross-border migration."