Global Media

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Examines media systems and practices across the world, including issues of media imperialism, cultural hybridity, and the globalization of media industries.

"In the main, most media imperialism research examines how the unequal relations of economic, military and cultural power between an imperialist country and those on the receiving end of its influence tend to be expressed and perpetuated by mass media and cultural industries."
"Media imperialism research tradition that focuses on how 'all Empires, in territorial or nonterritorial forms, rely upon communications technologies and mass media industries to expand and shore up their economic, geopolitical, and cultural influence.'"
"In the 1970s, research on media imperialism was mainly concerned with the expansion of US-based news and entertainment corporations, business models, and products into postcolonial countries as related to the problems of communication and media sovereignty, national identity formation and democracy."
" an Empire's global economic, military and cultural expansion and legitimization is supported by 'the news, telecommunications, film and TV, advertising and public relations, music, interactive games, and internet platforms and social media sites.'"
"Some of the key researchers in this area are: Oliver Boyd-Barrett, Luis R. Beltrán and Elizabeth Fox, Ariel Dorfman, Thomas Guback, Cees Hamelink, Dal Yong Jin, Armand Mattelart, Robert W. McChesney, Tom McPhail, Toby Miller and Richard Maxwell, Tanner Mirrlees, David Morley, Graham Murdock, Kaarle Nordenstreng, Herbert I. Schiller, Dallas Smythe, Colin Sparks, Daya Thussu, and Jeremy Tunstall."
" 'all Empires, in territorial or nonterritorial forms, rely upon communications technologies and mass media industries to expand and shore up their economic, geopolitical, and cultural influence.'"
"In the 21st century, research on media imperialism probes the whole gamut of the media..."
"For the past seventy years, media imperialism research has been undertaken by a wide range of international communication and media studies scholars, North and South."
"Postcolonial countries as related to the problems of communication and media sovereignty, national identity formation and democracy."
"Some of the key researchers in this area are: Oliver Boyd-Barrett, Luis R. Beltrán and Elizabeth Fox, Ariel Dorfman, Thomas Guback, Cees Hamelink, Dal Yong Jin, Armand Mattelart, Robert W. McChesney, Tom McPhail, Toby Miller and Richard Maxwell, Tanner Mirrlees, David Morley, Graham Murdock, Kaarle Nordenstreng, Herbert I. Schiller, Dallas Smythe, Colin Sparks, Daya Thussu, and Jeremy Tunstall."
"...related to the problems of communication and media sovereignty, national identity formation and democracy."
"...supported by 'the news, telecommunications, film and TV, advertising and public relations, music, interactive games, and internet platforms and social media sites.'"
" the unequal relations of economic, military and cultural power between an imperialist country and those on the receiving end of its influence tend to be expressed and perpetuated by mass media and cultural industries."
"...mass media and cultural industries to expand and shore up their economic, geopolitical, and cultural influence."
"Research on media imperialism probes the whole gamut of the media..."
" Empire's global economic, military and cultural expansion and legitimization is supported by 'the news, telecommunications, film and TV, advertising and public relations, music, interactive games, and internet platforms and social media sites.'"
"Some of the key researchers in this area are: Oliver Boyd-Barrett, Luis R. Beltrán and Elizabeth Fox, Ariel Dorfman, Thomas Guback, Cees Hamelink, Dal Yong Jin, Armand Mattelart, Robert W. McChesney, Tom McPhail, Toby Miller and Richard Maxwell, Tanner Mirrlees, David Morley, Graham Murdock, Kaarle Nordenstreng, Herbert I. Schiller, Dallas Smythe, Colin Sparks, Daya Thussu, and Jeremy Tunstall."
"...research on media imperialism was mainly concerned with the expansion of US-based news and entertainment corporations, business models, and products into postcolonial countries as related to the problems of communication and media sovereignty..."
"All Empires, in territorial or nonterritorial forms..."
" 'all Empires, in territorial or nonterritorial forms, rely upon communications technologies and mass media industries to expand and shore up their economic, geopolitical, and cultural influence.'"