Historical materialism

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The theoretical framework that emphasizes the importance of material conditions, particularly economic factors, in shaping social and political structures and historical change.

Dialectical Materialism: The philosophical foundation of Historical Materialism that explains how material reality and social relations evolve through contradictions.
Historical Materialism: A theory that explains the influence of economic and social factors in shaping political ideologies and cultural values.
Mode of Production: The ways in which societies produce and distribute goods and resources, which determine the division of labor and social class relationships.
Class Struggle: The conflict between classes that arises from the unequal distribution of wealth and resources.
Base and Superstructure: The idea that the economic base (mode of production) determines the social and cultural superstructure.
Alienation: A condition in which individuals become estranged from themselves, others, and the products of their labor.
Surplus Value: The additional value created by workers’ labor beyond their wage, which is appropriated by owners as profit.
Ideology: A set of beliefs and values that legitimizes the dominance of one social group over others.
Hegemony: The dominance of one social group over others through the use of cultural and political power.
Historical Materialism and Marxism: A discussion of Marx’s influence on historical materialism and the ongoing debates within Marxism about the theory’s validity and usefulness.
- "Historical materialism is Karl Marx's theory of history."
- "Marx locates historical change in the rise of class societies and the way humans labor together to make their livelihoods."
- "The ultimate cause and moving power of historical events are to be found in the economic development of society and the social and political upheavals wrought by changes to the mode of production."
- "Although Marx never brought together a formal or comprehensive description of historical materialism in one published work..."
- "...his lifetime collaborator, Friedrich Engels..."
- "...his key ideas are woven into a variety of works from the 1840s onward."
- "Since Marx's time, the theory has been modified and expanded."
- "It now has many Marxist and non-Marxist variants."
- "Historical materialism is Karl Marx's theory of history."
- "the social and political upheavals wrought by changes to the mode of production."
- "...his lifetime collaborator, Friedrich Engels..."
- "Marx locates historical change in the rise of class societies and the way humans labor together to make their livelihoods."
- "Although Marx never brought together a formal or comprehensive description of historical materialism in one published work..."
- "...from the 1840s onward."
- "Since Marx's time, the theory has been modified and expanded."
- "It now has many Marxist and non-Marxist variants."
- "Marx and his lifetime collaborator, Friedrich Engels..."
- "the economic development of society and the social and political upheavals wrought by changes to the mode of production."
- "...woven into a variety of works from the 1840s onward."
- "It now has many Marxist and non-Marxist variants."