"The gender binary (also known as gender binarism) is the classification of gender into two distinct forms of masculine and feminine."
Refers to the idea that there are only two genders, male and female.
Sex: The biological characteristics that distinguish males from females, such as genitalia, chromosomes, and hormones.
Gender: The social constructs and expectations that define what it means to be male or female in a given society, often including traits like personality, behavior, and appearance.
Binary Gender: The traditional view of gender as consisting of only two options, male or female.
Gender Identity: One's personal sense of their own gender, which may or may not align with the sex they were assigned at birth.
Gender Expression: The outward presentation of one's gender identity, such as clothing, appearance, and behavior.
Gender Roles: The expectations and behaviors that society associates with each gender, such as “masculine” or “feminine” traits and behaviors.
Gender Stereotypes: Simplified and often negative beliefs or assumptions about what it means to be male or female, such as the belief that all women are nurturing and emotional or all men are aggressive and dominant.
Gender Binary System: A belief system that holds that there are only two genders, male and female, and that they are mutually exclusive and fixed.
Transgender: An umbrella term used to describe people whose gender identity does not match the sex they were assigned at birth.
Gender Dysphoria: A medical diagnosis used to describe discomfort or distress that arises from the feeling that one's gender identity does not match the sex they were born with.
Non-binary Gender: An umbrella term that describes people who identify as neither male nor female, or as a combination of both.
Genderqueer: A term that describes people who identify outside of the gender binary or who reject traditional gender identities.
Transphobia: Prejudice, discrimination, or violence directed towards people whose gender identity does not match the sex they were assigned at birth.
Cisgender: A term used to describe people whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth.
Intersex: A term used to describe people whose biology does not fit traditional definitions of male or female.
Gender Non-conforming: A term used to describe people who do not conform to traditional gender roles or expectations.
"Most cultures use a gender binary, having two genders (boys/men and girls/women)."
"...gender and sexuality may be assumed by default to align with one's genetic or gamete-based sex, i.e. one's sex assigned at birth."
"This may include certain expectations of how one dresses themselves, one's behavior, sexual orientation, names or pronouns, which restroom one uses, and other qualities."
"For example, when a male is born, gender binarism may assume that the male will be masculine in appearance, have masculine character traits and behaviors, as well as having a heterosexual attraction to females."
"These expectations may reinforce negative attitudes, biases, and discrimination towards people who display expressions of gender variance or nonconformity or those whose gender identity is incongruent with their birth sex."
"Discrimination against transgender gender nonconforming people can take various forms, from physical or sexual assault, homicide, limited access to public spaces, in healthcare and more."
"The gender binary has been critiqued as a structure that maintains patriarchal and white supremacist norms."
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