"The myth is a folklore genre consisting of narratives that play a fundamental role in a society, such as foundational tales or origin myths."
A collection of stories or myths that explain the beliefs or practices of a religion or culture.
Creation Myths: Stories about the beginning of the world or creation of humans.
Pantheons: The collection of gods and goddesses worshipped in a particular religion or mythology.
Heroism: Tales about brave and heroic individuals.
The Divine: Belief in supernatural or divine beings and the role they play in humans' lives.
Afterlife: Beliefs about what happens after death, including concepts such as reincarnation or various underworlds.
Epics and Sagas: Long, narrative stories that often involve heroic deeds, conflict, and adventure.
Cosmology: The study of the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe.
Symbolism: The use of symbols to represent concepts or ideas in mythology and religious literature.
Art and Architecture: How mythology has influenced and been represented in art and architecture throughout history.
Sacred Texts: The written scriptures and texts that are worshipped, revered, and studied in various mythologies.
Rituals and Ceremonies: Customs, practices, and ceremonies associated with various mythologies and religious traditions.
Ethics and Moral Codes: Systems of moral codes and ethical standards associated with various mythologies.
Myths and Science: How mythology has been interpreted and reconciled with scientific knowledge.
Comparative Mythology: The study of similarities and differences between mythologies from different cultures and histories.
Greek Mythology: Greek mythology is the body of myths and legends belonging to ancient Greece concerning their gods and heroes.
Roman Mythology: Roman mythology similar to Greek mythology concerns the stories and legends of ancient Roman gods, goddesses, and heroes.
Norse Mythology: Norse mythology is a collection of the myths and legends that existed in ancient Scandinavian culture, comprising stories of gods and legends of their heroic deeds.
Egyptian Mythology: Egyptian mythology is based on the beliefs and rituals of ancient Egyptians concerning their gods, goddesses, and spirits.
Hindu Mythology: Hindu mythology is the collection of myths, legends, and stories related to Hindu beliefs concerning their gods, goddesses, and sacred texts.
Chinese Mythology: Chinese mythology is a collection of cultural and religious stories originating from ancient China based on the beliefs of Chinese people regarding their gods, goddesses, and legends.
Babylonian Mythology: Babylonian mythology is the collection of myths, legends, and tales from the ancient Babylonian civilization about their gods and heroes.
Roman Catholic Literature: Catholic literature consists of various spiritual works including biblical texts, prayers, and religious literature that incorporates Catholic faith and practices.
Jewish Mythology: Jewish mythology consists of stories, traditions, and beliefs of ancient Jewish people concerning their God, heroes, and sacred texts.
Islamic Literature: Islamic literature comprises religious books, hadiths, and the Quran that embody Islamic beliefs and practices.
African Mythology: African mythology is the collection of the traditional beliefs, fables, and legends of African cultures that are based on their gods, goddesses, and supernatural powers.
Mesoamerican Mythology: Mesoamerican mythology is the collection of myths and legends from ancient Mexico and Central America about their gods, rituals, and legends.
Aztec Mythology: Aztec mythology consists of stories and legends about Aztec gods, goddesses, and heroes that were an essential part of Aztec culture.
Mayan Mythology: Mayan mythology consists of beliefs and legends of the Maya civilization regarding their gods, goddesses, legends, and rituals.
Inca Mythology: Inca mythology is a collection of legends and stories of the Inca civilization about their gods, goddesses, and heroic tales.
"Myths play a fundamental role in society..."
"Myths are often endorsed by secular and religious authorities..."
"Myths are closely linked to religion or spirituality."
"Many societies group their myths, legends, and history together..."
"Myths are sometimes distinguished from legends in that myths deal with gods..."
"The main characters in myths are usually non-humans, such as gods, demigods, and other supernatural figures."
"Others include humans, animals, or combinations in their classification of myth."
"Stories of everyday humans, although often of leaders of some type, are usually contained in legends, as opposed to myths."
"Myths are set in a world of the remote past, very different from that of the present."
"Creation myths take place in a primordial age when the world had not achieved its later form."
"Other myths explain how a society's customs, institutions, and taboos were established and sanctified."
"There is a complex relationship between the recital of myths and the enactment of rituals."
"Myths... usually have no historical basis..."
"Foundational tales or origin myths play a fundamental role in a society..."
"The main characters in myths are usually non-humans..."
"Myths are often endorsed by secular and religious authorities..."
"Myth is a folklore genre consisting of narratives that play a fundamental role in a society..."
"Many societies group their myths, legends, and history together, considering myths and legends to be true accounts of their remote past."
"Myths are set in a world of the remote past, very different from that of the present."