Jewish Music

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This subfield involves the study of Jewish music, including its history, theory, and cultural significance.

"Jewish music is the music and melodies of the Jewish people."
"There exist both traditions of religious music, as sung at the synagogue and domestic prayers, and of secular music, such as klezmer."
"Differences of rhythm and sound can be found among later Jewish communities that have been musically influenced by location."
"While some elements of Jewish music may originate in biblical times (Biblical music)..."
"In the nineteenth century, religious reform led to the composition of ecclesiastic music in the styles of classical music."
"At the same period, academics began to treat the topic in the light of ethnomusicology."
"Edward Seroussi has written..."
"What is known as 'Jewish music' today is thus the result of complex historical processes."
"A number of modern Jewish composers have been aware of and influenced by the different traditions of Jewish music."
"...secular music, such as klezmer."
"Differences of rhythm and sound can be found among later Jewish communities that have been musically influenced by location."
"...the result of complex historical processes."
"In the nineteenth century, religious reform led to the composition of ecclesiastic music in the styles of classical music."
"At the same period, academics began to treat the topic in the light of ethnomusicology."
"Edward Seroussi has written..."
"The different traditions of Jewish music."
"...traditions of religious music, as sung at the synagogue and domestic prayers..."
"Differences of rhythm and sound can be found among later Jewish communities..."
"...styles of classical music."
"What is known as 'Jewish music' today is thus the result of complex historical processes."