
Home > Religion > Eastern Religions > Zoroastrianism

One of the oldest religions of ancient Persia, with a focus on good vs. evil, the worship of the God Ahura Mazda, and the importance of ethical behavior.

"Zoroastrianism enters recorded history around the middle of the 6th century BCE."
"It has a dualistic cosmology of good and evil within the framework of a monotheistic ontology."
"Zoroastrianism exalts an uncreated and benevolent deity of wisdom known as Ahura Mazda (lit. 'Lord of Wisdom') as its supreme being."
"Zoroastrianism, such as its monotheism, messianism, belief in free will and judgement after death, conception of heaven, hell, angels, and demons, among other concepts, may have influenced other religious and philosophical systems."
"It declined from the 7th century CE onwards as a direct result of the Arab-Muslim conquest of Persia."
"Recent estimates place the current number of Zoroastrians in the world at around 110,000–120,000 at most."
"The majority of this figure living in India, Iran, and North America."
"The most important texts of Zoroastrianism are those contained within the Avesta."
"The early Iranian gods of the Proto-Indo-Iranian tradition into emanations of the natural world as ahuras."
"Angra Mainyu (destructive spirit/mentality), whose forces are born from Aka Manah (evil thought), is considered to be the main adversarial force of the religion."
"Asha (truth, cosmic order), stands in opposition to Druj (falsehood, deceit)."
"Ahura Mazda works in gētīg (the visible material realm) and mēnōg (the invisible spiritual and mental realm)."
"It served as the state religion of the ancient Iranian empires for more than a millennium (approximately from 600 BCE to 650 CE)."
"Angra Mainyu, advancing him to be the direct adversary to Ahura Mazda."
"Though Ahura Mazda has no equal contesting force, Angra Mainyu, whose forces are born from Aka Manah (evil thought), is considered to be the main adversarial force of the religion."
"However, further studies are needed to confirm this, as numbers have also been rising in some areas."
"Belief in judgment after death."
"Influenced other religious and philosophical systems, including the Abrahamic religions and Gnosticism, Northern Buddhism, and Greek philosophy."
"Ahura Mazda is considered to be all-good with no evil emanating from the deity."
"Ahura Mazda works in gētīg (the visible material realm) and mēnōg (the invisible spiritual and mental realm)."