Quote: "Social cognitive theory (SCT), used in psychology, education, and communication, holds that portions of an individual's knowledge acquisition can be directly related to observing others within the context of social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences."
This theory explains how personality is shaped by both environment and personal variables, such as self-efficacy, cognitive appraisal, and emotional regulation. This topic explores the principles of the theory.
Social cognition: This topic encompasses how people perceive and process social information, including how they form impressions of others, judge others' behaviors, and make attributions about the causes of behavior.
Self-concept: This topic refers to the individual's beliefs and attitudes about themselves, including their beliefs about their abilities, personality traits, values, and identity.
Self-regulation: This topic involves the ability of individuals to control their own behaviors, emotions, and thoughts in order to achieve their goals.
Self-efficacy: This topic relates to an individual's belief in their own ability to achieve goals or succeed in certain tasks.
Observational learning: This topic focuses on how we learn from observing others' behaviors and the consequences of those behaviors.
Modeling: This topic discusses how people learn new behaviors by observing and imitating others.
Social influence: This topic encompasses the ways in which people's behavior, attitudes, and beliefs are influenced by social factors, such as norms, values, and group membership.
Attribution theory: This topic examines how people make judgments about the causes of other people's behavior, including how they assign responsibility for successes and failures.
Cognitive dissonance: This topic relates to the psychological discomfort that occurs when a person holds two conflicting beliefs or values.
Implicit personality theory: This topic is concerned with the cognitive structures and processes that people use to organize and make sense of information about themselves and others.
Constructivism: This topic explores how individuals actively construct their own understanding of reality through their experiences and interactions with the world.
Schema theory: This topic is concerned with the mental structures that people use to organize incoming information and process it efficiently.
Self-perception theory: This topic posits that people come to understand their own attitudes and beliefs by observing their own behavior and the context in which it occurs.
Self-handicapping: This topic involves the tendency for people to engage in behaviors that may hinder their performance in order to provide an excuse for failure.
Social comparison theory: This topic examines how people evaluate their own abilities and qualities by comparing themselves to others.
Self-efficacy theory: Developed by Albert Bandura, this theory suggests that people's belief in their ability to achieve a task or goal is a major factor in their motivation and behavior.
Reciprocal determinism theory: This theory suggests that personality is the result of the interaction between a person's environment, their behavior, and their thoughts.
Expectancy-value theory: This theory posits that people's behavior is determined by their beliefs about the outcomes of their actions, as well as the value they place on those outcomes.
Social learning theory: This theory suggests that people learn and acquire new behaviors through observation, imitation, and modeling of others.
Self-regulation theory: This theory states that people have the ability to regulate their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in order to achieve their goals.
Cognitive affective personality system (CAPS) theory: Developed by Walter Mischel, this theory proposes that personality is the result of a dynamic, recursive interaction between person variables, such as beliefs and motives, and environmental variables, such as situations and social relationships.
Self-determination theory: This theory emphasizes the importance of intrinsic motivation, autonomy, and positive relationships in fostering personal growth and well-being.
Goal-setting theory: This theory suggests that people are motivated by setting and achieving specific, challenging goals.
Attribution theory: This theory proposes that people make sense of events and behaviors by assigning causes to them, and that these attributions can influence their emotions and behavior.
Quote: "This theory was advanced by Albert Bandura as an extension of his social learning theory."
Quote: "portions of an individual's knowledge acquisition can be directly related to observing others within the context of social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences."
Quote: "when people observe a model performing a behavior and the consequences of that behavior, they remember the sequence of events and use this information to guide subsequent behaviors."
Quote: "Observing a model can also prompt the viewer to engage in behavior they already learned."
Quote: "people do not learn new behaviors solely by trying them and either succeeding or failing, but rather, the survival of humanity is dependent upon the replication of the actions of others."
Quote: "Depending on whether people are rewarded or punished for their behavior and the outcome of the behavior, the observer may choose to replicate behavior modeled."
Quote: "used in psychology, education, and communication."
Quote: "This theory was advanced by Albert Bandura as an extension of his social learning theory."
Quote: "Media provides models for a vast array of people in many different environmental settings."
Quote: "portions of an individual's knowledge acquisition can be directly related to observing others within the context of social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences."
Quote: "they remember the sequence of events and use this information to guide subsequent behaviors."
Quote: "Observing a model can also prompt the viewer to engage in behavior they already learned."
Quote: "people do not learn new behaviors solely by trying them and either succeeding or failing, but rather, the survival of humanity is dependent upon the replication of the actions of others."
Quote: "Depending on whether people are rewarded or punished for their behavior and the outcome of the behavior, the observer may choose to replicate behavior modeled."
Quote: "used in psychology, education, and communication."
Quote: "This theory was advanced by Albert Bandura as an extension of his social learning theory."
Quote: "Media provides models for a vast array of people in many different environmental settings."
Quote: "people do not learn new behaviors solely by trying them and either succeeding or failing, but rather, the survival of humanity is dependent upon the replication of the actions of others."
Quote: "portions of an individual's knowledge acquisition can be directly related to observing others within the context of social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences."