"Psychophysiology is the branch of psychology that is concerned with the physiological bases of psychological processes."
This subfield involves the measurement of physiological variables such as blood pressure, heart rate, and skin conductance in response to psychological stimuli.
"While psychophysiology was a general broad field of research in the 1960s and 1970s, it has now become quite specialized."
"Specializations in psychophysiology have branched into subspecializations such as social, sport, cognitive, cardiovascular, clinical, and other branches."
"Methods vary as combinations of electrophysiological methods (such as EEG)..."
"Methods vary as combinations of... neuroimaging (MRI, PET)..."
"It is concerned with the physiological bases of psychological processes."
"Topics have branched into subspecializations such as social, sport, cognitive, cardiovascular, clinical, and other branches of psychophysiology."
"It is concerned with the physiological bases of psychological processes, distinguishing it from other branches of psychology that focus solely on behavior or cognition."
"The term 'psychophysiology' is derived from Greek words meaning 'breath, life, soul' and 'nature, origin.'"
"Psychophysiology was a general broad field of research in the 1960s and 1970s."
"To understand the relationship between physiological processes and psychological phenomena."
"It explores the physiological bases of psychological processes."
"Yes, it has now become quite specialized."
"Methods vary as combinations of electrophysiological methods, neuroimaging, and neurochemistry."
"Some subspecializations include social, sport, cognitive, cardiovascular, clinical, and other branches of psychophysiology."
"Psychophysiology research focuses on the physiological aspects of cognitive processes."
"Electrophysiological methods such as EEG and neuroimaging techniques like MRI and PET are used."
"Subspecializations in social psychophysiology explore the physiological underpinnings of social processes."
"Psychophysiology is involved in various branches such as social, sport, cognitive, cardiovascular, clinical, and others."
"Clinical psychophysiology investigates the physiological aspects of psychological disorders and conditions."