Violence and Conflict

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Discussion of how violence and conflict shape political power and social structures.

Power and authority: Understanding the foundations of power and authority is crucial to understanding the roots of conflict within society.
Social norms and values: The influence social norms and values have on societies is imperative to understanding how conflict arises from differing belief systems.
Resource allocation: The distribution of resources in society can both mitigate and escalate political conflict as it can give and take resources from various groups.
Discrimination and inequality: Examining how discriminatory practices and economic inequality contribute to the emergence of conflict and violence within societies.
Social movements and activism: Understanding the role of social movements and the tactics employed by activists to bring about change can inform how violent and non-violent conflicts can develop.
The role of the state: Examining the role of the state in maintaining order and stability while also exploring situations in which state action can cause conflict.
The media and propaganda: Examining the role of the media and propaganda in shaping public opinion and how it can be used to incite violence and conflict.
Globalization and transnationalism: Investigating how globalization and transnational linkages have impacted the growth of conflict and violence.
Geopolitics and international relations: Understanding how the geopolitical landscape and regional organization of states can shape the conditions for political conflict.
War and militarism: Examining the causes and consequences of violent conflicts, military engagements, and understanding the political and social ramifications of war.
Physical violence: The use of physical force to cause harm or injury to an individual or group.
Emotional violence: The use of words or actions to cause emotional harm to another person.
Structural violence: The systematic exclusion of certain groups based on economic, social, or political factors.
Psychological violence: The use of manipulative tactics to control or harm another person's mental or emotional state.
Institutional violence: Harmful actions or policies of institutions that oppress or discriminate against certain groups.
Cultural violence: The use of culture or religion to justify violence or discrimination against certain groups.
State violence: The use of violence by the state or government against its citizens, often to maintain power or control.
Gender-based violence: Violence or discrimination based on a person's gender identity or sexual orientation.
Domestic violence: Physical or emotional abuse within a familial or romantic relationship.
Hate crime: A violent crime committed against a person or group based on their race, religion, or other identity.
Racial violence: Violence or discrimination based on race or ethnicity.
Socio-economic violence: Inequalities in income, resources, and access to opportunities that lead to social and economic disadvantage.
Institutionalized racism: Discrimination against certain ethnic or racial groups through policies and practices in social, economic and political institutions.
Political violence: The use of violent means to achieve political goals, including armed rebellion and terrorism.
Environmental violence: Harmful policies or practices that result in environmental degradation and negatively impact the health and well-being of individuals or communities.
Cyberbullying: The use of technology to harass or intimidate another person.
Religious violence: Violence or discrimination based on religious beliefs or practices.
Tribal violence: Violence between different ethnic, tribal or regional groups.
Genital mutilation: A traditional cultural practice leading to loss or injury to female genital organs without a medical reason.
Workplace violence: Physical or verbal abuse that occurs in the workplace.
"Political violence is violence which is perpetrated in order to achieve political goals."
"...forced disappearance, psychological warfare, police brutality, targeted assassinations, torture, ethnic cleansing, or genocide."
"...kidnappings, targeted assassinations, terrorist attacks, torture, psychological and/or guerrilla warfare."
"Rebellion, rioting, treason, or coup d'etat."
"It can describe violence which is used against other non-state actors and/or civilians."
"...refusing to alleviate famine or otherwise denying resources to politically identifiable groups within their territory."
"Political violence often takes the form of asymmetric warfare where neither side is able to directly assault the other, instead relying on tactics such as guerrilla warfare and terrorism."
"It can often include attacks on civilian or otherwise non-combatant targets."
"People may be targeted collectively based on perception of being part of a social, ethnic, religious, or political group; or selectively, targeting specific individuals for actions that are perceived as challenging someone or aiding an opponent."
"Many politically motivated militant, insurgent, extremist, and/or fundamentalist groups and individuals are convinced that the states and political systems under which they live will never respond to their demands, and they thus believe that the only way to overthrow and/or reshape the government... is through violent means."
"Similarly, many governments around the world believe that they need to use violence in order to intimidate their populaces into acquiescence."
"At other times, governments use force in order to defend their countries from outside invasions or other threats of force and coerce other governments or conquer territory."
"Political violence can include violence which is used by a state against other states, violence which is used by a state against civilians and non-state actors, and violence which is used by violent non-state actors against states and civilians."
"...forced disappearance, psychological warfare, police brutality, targeted assassinations, torture, ethnic cleansing, or genocide."
"...kidnappings, targeted assassinations, terrorist attacks, torture, psychological and/or guerrilla warfare."
"Rebellion, rioting, treason, or coup d'etat."
"It can describe violence which is used against other non-state actors and/or civilians."
"...refusing to alleviate famine or otherwise denying resources to politically identifiable groups within their territory."
"Political violence often takes the form of asymmetric warfare where neither side is able to directly assault the other, instead relying on tactics such as guerrilla warfare and terrorism."
"It can often include attacks on civilian or otherwise non-combatant targets."