"A Fourier series is an expansion of a periodic function into a sum of trigonometric functions."
A mathematical tool for analyzing periodic functions by breaking them down into a sum of sine and cosine waves.
Introduction to waves and oscillations: Understanding the basic principles of waves and oscillations, including the types of waves (mechanical, electromagnetic, etc.) and their properties (amplitude, frequency, wavelength, etc.).
Periodic functions: Definition of periodic functions, properties of periodic functions, and examples of periodic functions.
Fourier series: Definition of Fourier series, how to calculate Fourier coefficients, convergence of Fourier series, and examples of Fourier series.
Fourier transform: Definition of Fourier transforms, how to calculate Fourier transforms, properties of Fourier transforms, and examples of Fourier transforms.
Signal analysis: Understanding how Fourier series and transforms are used in signal analysis, including applications in audio and image processing.
Filtering: Understanding how filters work in signal processing, including low-pass, high-pass, and band-pass filters.
Sampling theory: Understanding the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem and its applications in signal processing.
Discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT): Understanding the DTFT, its properties, and how it is used in signal processing.
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT): Understanding the DFT, fast Fourier transform (FFT), and their applications in signal processing.
Wavelets: Understanding wavelets, their properties, and how they are used in signal processing and image compression.
Applications of Fourier series and transforms: Understanding how Fourier series and transforms are applied in various fields, including physics, engineering, and mathematics.
Complex analysis: Understanding complex numbers, complex functions, and their applications in Fourier analysis.
Laplace transform: Understanding the Laplace transform and its applications in signal processing and control theory.
Green's functions: Understanding Green's functions and their applications in solving differential equations in physics and engineering.
Spectral analysis: Understanding spectral analysis, power spectral density, and applications in signal processing and vibration analysis.
Periodic Fourier Series: A Fourier series with a periodic function defined over a fixed interval.
Discrete Fourier Series: An extension of periodic Fourier series used for analyzing signals sampled at discrete points.
Trigonometric Fourier Series: A Fourier series in which the basis functions are sines and cosines.
Exponential Fourier Series: A Fourier series in which the basis functions are complex exponentials.
Half-range Fourier Series: A Fourier series in which the function is defined over half of its period.
Complex Fourier Series: A Fourier series in which the basis functions are complex exponentials.
Sine and Cosine Fourier Series: A Fourier series in which the basis functions are only sines or cosines.
Sawtooth Fourier Series: A Fourier series of a sawtooth waveform, which consists of a linear rise and an abrupt drop.
Square Wave Fourier Series: A Fourier series of a square waveform, which consists of a constant value followed by a rapid transition to an opposite constant value.
Triangular Fourier Series: A Fourier series of a triangular waveform, which consists of linearly rising and falling sections with sharp transitions between them.
"The Fourier series is an example of a trigonometric series, but not all trigonometric series are Fourier series."
"By expressing a function as a sum of sines and cosines, many problems involving the function become easier to analyze because trigonometric functions are well understood."
"For example, Fourier series were first used by Joseph Fourier to find solutions to the heat equation."
"Fourier series cannot be used to approximate arbitrary functions because most functions have infinitely many terms in their Fourier series, and the series do not always converge."
"Well-behaved functions, for example smooth functions, have Fourier series that converge to the original function."
"The coefficients of the Fourier series are determined by integrals of the function multiplied by trigonometric functions."
"The study of the convergence of Fourier series focuses on the behaviors of the partial sums."
"Fourier series are closely related to the Fourier transform, which can be used to find the frequency information for functions that are not periodic."
"Periodic functions can be identified with functions on a circle, for this reason, Fourier series are the subject of Fourier analysis on a circle."
"The Fourier transform is also part of Fourier analysis, but is defined for functions on R^n."
"Since Fourier's time, many different approaches to defining and understanding the concept of Fourier series have been discovered."
"All of which are consistent with one another, but each of which emphasizes different aspects of the topic."
"Some of the more powerful and elegant approaches are based on mathematical ideas and tools that were not available in Fourier's time."
"Fourier analysis has birthed an area of mathematics called Fourier analysis."
"Fourier originally defined the Fourier series for real-valued functions of real arguments."
"Many other Fourier-related transforms have since been defined, extending his initial idea to many applications."
"...birthing an area of mathematics called Fourier analysis." Note: N/A Note: N/A Note: N/A Note: N/A Note: N/A