Lorentz Transformations

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A set of equations that describe how space and time coordinates of an event appear differently to observers in relative motion.

Special Theory of Relativity: It is a theory that explains the laws of physics at high velocities and pertains to inertial frames of reference.
Time Dilation: It is the phenomenon by which time appears to slow down for objects in motion relative to an observer.
Lorentz Contraction: It is the phenomenon by which objects appear to be shorter when they are moving at high velocities relative to an observer.
Relativistic Momentum: It is the momentum that an object possesses due to its high velocity.
Energy-Momentum Tensor: It is a tensor that describes the distribution of energy and momentum in space-time.
Four-Vectors: It is a vector consisting of four components, which can be used to describe physical quantities in space-time.
Lorentz Invariance: It is a property of physical laws that remain the same under Lorentz transformations.
Minkowski Diagrams: It is a diagram used to visualize space-time.
Maxwell's Equations in Relativistic form: It is the set of equations that describes electromagnetic phenomena in space-time.
Time-Like and Space-Like Intervals: It is a way of measuring the distance between two events in space-time.
Four-Vector Electrodynamics: It is the application of four-vectors to electromagnetic phenomena.
Lorentz Transformation Matrices: It is the mathematical matrix that describes how coordinates in one reference frame transform to another.
The Relativistic Doppler Effect: It is the shift in frequency of light due to motion of the source relative to the observer.
Transformation of Energy and Momentum: It is the change in energy and momentum of an object due to a change in reference frame.
Time Travel and Wormholes: It is the theoretical possibility of traveling through time or space by using the principles of relativity.
Boost in the x-direction: It's a transformation that moves an object in the x-direction, while time and y-z coordinates remain the same.
Boost in the y-direction: It's a transformation that moves an object in the y-direction, while time and x-z coordinates remain the same.
Boost in the z-direction: It's a transformation that moves an object in the z-direction, while time and x-y coordinates remain the same.
Rotation: It's a transformation that involves the rotation of an object's spatial coordinates with respect to the temporal coordinate.
"The Lorentz transformations are a six-parameter family of linear transformations from a coordinate frame in spacetime to another frame that moves at a constant velocity relative to the former."
"The transformations are named after the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz."
"The Lorentz transformations are a six-parameter family of linear transformations."
"The most common form of the transformation, parametrized by the real constant v, representing a velocity confined to the x-direction..."
"γ = (1 − v^2/c^2)^-1 is the Lorentz factor."
"When speed v is much smaller than c, the Lorentz factor is negligibly different from 1."
"...but as v approaches c, γ grows without bound."
"The value of v must be smaller than c for the transformation to make sense."
"Expressing the speed as β = v/c, an equivalent form of the transformation is..."
"Frames of reference can be divided into two groups: inertial and non-inertial."
"A rotation-free Lorentz transformation is called a Lorentz boost."
"In Minkowski space, the Lorentz transformations preserve the spacetime interval between any two events."
"The preserving of the spacetime interval between any two events is the defining property of a Lorentz transformation."
"Historically, the transformations were the result of attempts by Lorentz and others to explain how the speed of light was observed to be independent of the reference frame..."
"For example, they reflect the fact that observers moving at different velocities may measure different distances, elapsed times, and even different orderings of events..."
"The invariance of light speed is one of the postulates of special relativity."
"The more general set of transformations that also includes translations is known as the Poincaré group."
"Lorentz transformations have a number of unintuitive features that do not appear in Galilean transformations."
"The transformations connect the space and time coordinates of an event as measured by an observer in each frame."
"They supersede the Galilean transformation of Newtonian physics, which assumes an absolute space and time."