"Kinetic theory of matter: A general account of the properties of matter, including solids liquids and gases, based around the idea that heat or temperature is a manifestation of atoms and molecules in constant agitation."
The study of the behavior of gases and other particles in motion, including the ideal gas law and collisions.
"Kinetic theory of gases, an account of gas properties in terms of motion and interaction of submicroscopic particles in gases."
"Phonon, explaining properties of solids in terms of quantal collection and interactions of submicroscopic particles."
"Free electron model, a model for the behavior of charge carriers in a metallic solid."
"Kirkwood–Buff solution theory, a theory for solutions linking macroscopic (bulk) properties to microscopic (molecular) details."
"Kinematics, the part of mechanics that describes the motion of points, particles, bodies, and systems of bodies, without reference to the forces, energies and interactions that govern their motion."
"The idea that heat or temperature is a manifestation of atoms and molecules in constant agitation."
"Motion and interaction of submicroscopic particles in gases."
"Explaining properties of solids in terms of quantal collection and interactions of submicroscopic particles."
"A model for the behavior of charge carriers in a metallic solid."
"Macroscopic (bulk) properties to microscopic (molecular) details."
"Describing the motion of points, particles, bodies, and systems of bodies without referencing the forces, energies, and interactions that govern their motion."
"A general account of the properties of matter, including solids, liquids, and gases."
"In terms of motion and interaction of submicroscopic particles in gases."
"Properties of solids in terms of quantal collection and interactions of submicroscopic particles."
"The behavior of charge carriers."
"Theory for solutions linking macroscopic (bulk) properties to microscopic (molecular) details."
"Kinematics, the part of mechanics that describes motion without considering forces, energies, and interactions."
"Heat or temperature is a manifestation of atoms and molecules in constant agitation."
"Motion and interaction of submicroscopic particles in gases."