"Astroparticle physics, also called particle astrophysics, is a branch of particle physics that studies elementary particles of astronomical origin and their relation to astrophysics and cosmology."
The study of high-energy particles originating from space and their interactions with matter.
"It is a relatively new field of research emerging at the intersection of particle physics, astronomy, astrophysics, detector physics, relativity, solid state physics, and cosmology."
"Partly motivated by the discovery of neutrino oscillation..."
"...the field has undergone rapid development, both theoretically and experimentally, since the early 2000s."
"Particle astrophysics studies elementary particles of astronomical origin and their relation to astrophysics and cosmology."
"...particle physics, astronomy, astrophysics, detector physics, relativity, solid state physics, and cosmology."
"Partly motivated by the discovery of neutrino oscillation..."
"...since the early 2000s."
"...studies elementary particles of astronomical origin and their relation to astrophysics and cosmology."
"...elementary particles of astronomical origin and their relation to astrophysics and cosmology."
"...particle physics, astronomy, astrophysics, detector physics, relativity, solid state physics, and cosmology."
"...the discovery of neutrino oscillation..."
"...rapid development, both theoretically and experimentally..."
"...astronomy, astrophysics, detector physics, relativity, solid state physics, and cosmology."
"...studies elementary particles of astronomical origin and their relation to astrophysics and cosmology."
"It is a relatively new field of research..."
"The discovery of neutrino oscillation..."
"...studies elementary particles of astronomical origin and their relation to astrophysics and cosmology."
"...since the early 2000s."
"...particle physics, astronomy, astrophysics, detector physics, relativity, solid state physics, and cosmology."