"In physics, physical chemistry and engineering, fluid dynamics is a subdiscipline of fluid mechanics that describes the flow of fluids—liquids and gases."
Covers the study of the motion of fluids without considering the forces and energy involved.
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics: The basics of fluid mechanics and definition of fluids.
Physical properties of fluids: The properties of fluids include density, viscosity, specific gravity, compressibility, and surface tension.
Fluid statics: This topic deals with fluids that are at rest.
Fluid dynamics: The study of fluids in motion.
Pressure and velocity: Pressure is the force exerted by a fluid on a surface, while velocity measures the rate of flow.
Bernoulli's Equation: A concept in fluid dynamics that relates pressure, velocity, and elevation in a fluid.
Viscous flow: This occurs when a fluid is thick or sticky and is resistant to flow.
Turbulent flow: A type of fluid flow characterized by chaotic and unpredictable motion.
Reynolds number: A dimensionless number used by fluid mechanics to help predict the onset of turbulence.
Drag: A force that resists the motion of an object in a fluid.
Fluid flow measurement: Various methods to measure fluid flow rate, such as differential pressure flowmeters, positive displacement flowmeters, and electromagnetic flowmeters.
Laminar flow: A type of fluid flow where the fluid moves in parallel layers, and there is no mixing between them.
Flow visualization techniques: Various methods to visualize fluid flow, such as flow visualization dyes, particle image velocimetry, and schlieren imaging.
Fluid kinematics: The study of fluid motion without considering the forces that cause it.
Streamlines, streaklines, and pathlines: These are pathlines followed by individual particles of a fluid.
Flow patterns: The way fluids flow around different shapes, such as the flow around a cylinder.
Boundary layer: The region of fluid near a solid surface where the velocity of the fluid is affected by the presence of the surface.
Lift and drag: Lift is an upward force that results from fluid flow over a surface. Drag is the opposite force, which acts in the opposite direction to lift.
Pumping systems: The design and operation of systems that use pumps to move fluids.
Fluid mechanics of biological systems: The application of fluid mechanics to study the behavior of fluids in biological systems, such as blood flow and air flow in the lungs.
Continuity Equation: It is a type of fluid kinematics that deals with the relationship between the mass flux and the fluid velocity field.
Bernoulli's Equation: It relates the pressure that is at a point in a fluid flow to the speed of the fluid at that point.
Euler's Equation: This equation defines the fluid's acceleration at each point in terms of the pressure field and the velocity field.
Navier-Stokes equations: This is a set of mathematical equations that describe the motion of fluid substances. These equations are used to derive mathematical models that help predict the flow and behavior of fluids in different situations.
Reynolds number: The Reynolds number is a dimensionless value that determines the flow regime of a fluid, i.e., laminar or turbulent.
Potential Flow Theory: It is a principle used to model fluid dynamics in which the fluid is assumed to be both incompressible and inviscid. This theory has a wide range of applications in fluid dynamics and is often used to understand the behavior of liquids and gases.
Streamline and Pathline: Streamlines are the lines of flow in a fluid at a particular instant, whereas pathlines are the lines traced by fluid particles as they move through the flow field.
Vorticity: This is a measure of the local rotation of the fluid. It is defined as the curl of the velocity field.
Helmholtz's theorems: These theorems describe the behavior of fluid flows in terms of the energy, mass, and momentum of the fluid.
Potential vorticity: It is a quantity used to describe the behavior of rotating fluids. It relates the vorticity of a fluid to its potential temperature.
"It has several subdisciplines, including aerodynamics (the study of air and other gases in motion) and hydrodynamics (the study of liquids in motion)."
"Fluid dynamics has a wide range of applications, including calculating forces and moments on aircraft, determining the mass flow rate of petroleum through pipelines, predicting weather patterns, understanding nebulae in interstellar space and modelling fission weapon detonation."
"Fluid dynamics offers a systematic structure—which underlies these practical disciplines—that embraces empirical and semi-empirical laws derived from flow measurement and used to solve practical problems."
"The solution to a fluid dynamics problem typically involves the calculation of various properties of the fluid, such as flow velocity, pressure, density, and temperature, as functions of space and time."
"Before the twentieth century, hydrodynamics was synonymous with fluid dynamics."
"This is still reflected in names of some fluid dynamics topics, like magnetohydrodynamics and hydrodynamic stability, both of which can also be applied to gases."
"In physics, physical chemistry and engineering, fluid dynamics is a subdiscipline of fluid mechanics..."
"The study of air and other gases in motion."
"The study of liquids in motion."
"calculating forces and moments on aircraft"
"determining the mass flow rate of petroleum through pipelines"
"predicting weather patterns"
"understanding nebulae in interstellar space"
"modelling fission weapon detonation"
"empirical and semi-empirical laws derived from flow measurement"
"Fluid dynamics offers a systematic structure"
"flow velocity, pressure, density, and temperature"
"as functions of space and time"
"used to solve practical problems"