Quantum fluids and solids

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Focuses on the properties of materials at extremely low temperatures, where quantum mechanics plays a dominant role in determining their behavior.

Quantum Mechanics: This is the foundation of quantum fluids and solids. You need to learn about the wave-particle duality of matter, the uncertainty principle, and the Schrödinger equation.
Statistical Mechanics: This is the study of how large numbers of particles interact with each other. You will learn about thermodynamics, entropy, and the kinetic theory of gases.
Solid-State Physics: This is the study of the physical properties of solids, including their crystal structure, electronic and magnetic properties, and optical and thermal properties.
Superconductivity: This is the phenomenon of zero resistance to an electric current. You will learn about the BCS theory, London theory, and flux quantization.
Quantum Hall Effect: This is the phenomenon of quantized Hall conductivity in two-dimensional electron systems. You will learn about the integer and fractional quantum Hall effects.
Topological Insulators: These are materials that conduct electricity on their surface but not in their interior. You will learn about the topological classification of insulators and the bulk-edge correspondence.
Bose-Einstein Condensation: This is the phenomenon of all particles in a system occupying the same quantum state. You will learn about the theory behind BEC and its experimental realization in ultra-cold atomic gases.
Fermi Liquids: These are systems of interacting fermions that behave like a liquid. You will learn about Landau's theory of Fermi liquids and their relevance to condensed matter physics.
Quantum Many-Body Theory: This is the study of the collective behavior of many interacting quantum particles. You will learn about perturbation theory, renormalization group, and density functional theory.
Quantum Computation and Information: This is an interdisciplinary field that uses quantum mechanics to process information. You will learn about quantum entanglement, quantum gates, and quantum algorithms.
Quantum liquids: Liquids are materials that typically exhibit no long-range order. They are highly disordered and randomly arranged, and they typically conform to the shape of their container. Quantum liquids are liquids that exhibit particular behaviors due to the quantum nature of their constituents, such as superfluidity in liquid helium.
Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC): A Bose-Einstein condensate is a state of matter in which a group of bosonic particles, such as Helium-4 atoms or atoms of various alkali metals, collapse into a single quantum state at very low temperatures. The particles that make up the BEC function collectively as a single entity, resulting in unusual behaviors such as superfluidity.
Superfluids: A superfluid is a material that can flow without any resistance or viscosity when subjected to a zero-gravity environment. It typically occurs at very low temperatures and in substances such as liquid helium and ultracold gases of alkali metals.
Quantum Hall Effect (QHE): The Quantum Hall Effect is a phenomenon in two-dimensional systems in which an electric current flows along the edge of the sample without any loss, even in the presence of an electric field. This effect occurs when electrons are confined to a two-dimensional plane under a magnetic field, and it is used to calibrate and maintain the standard of resistance.
Topological phases of matter: These are materials that exhibit unique behaviors due to a topological properties of the system. For instance, the insulating behavior of graphene at zero temperature and magnetic fields and the conductive behavior of the surface of a topological insulator.
Quantum solids: Quantum solids are solids in which the constituent atoms are held tightly in a highly organized structure. The atoms in such solids are subject to quantum oscillations, resulting in highly unusual phenomena such as superconductivity, superfluidity, and glassy states.
"Superfluidity is the characteristic property of a fluid with zero viscosity which therefore flows without any loss of kinetic energy."
"When stirred, a superfluid forms vortices that continue to rotate indefinitely."
"Superfluidity occurs in two isotopes of helium (helium-3 and helium-4) when they are liquefied by cooling to cryogenic temperatures."
"It is also a property of various other exotic states of matter theorized to exist in astrophysics, high-energy physics, and theories of quantum gravity."
"The theory of superfluidity was developed by Soviet theoretical physicists Lev Landau and Isaak Khalatnikov."
"Superfluidity often co-occurs with Bose–Einstein condensation, but neither phenomenon is directly related to the other."
"When they are liquefied by cooling to cryogenic temperatures."
"Not all Bose–Einstein condensates can be regarded as superfluids."
"Not all superfluids are Bose–Einstein condensates."
"A fluid with zero viscosity which therefore flows without any loss of kinetic energy."
"A superfluid forms vortices that continue to rotate indefinitely."
"Superfluidity occurs in two isotopes of helium (helium-3 and helium-4)."
"The property of various other exotic states of matter theorized to exist in astrophysics, high-energy physics, and theories of quantum gravity."
"Soviet theoretical physicists Lev Landau and Isaak Khalatnikov."
"A fluid with zero viscosity which therefore flows without any loss of kinetic energy."
"When stirred, a superfluid forms vortices that continue to rotate indefinitely."
"Not all superfluids are Bose–Einstein condensates."
"Not all Bose–Einstein condensates can be regarded as superfluids."
"They are liquefied by cooling to cryogenic temperatures."
"Various other exotic states of matter theorized to exist in astrophysics, high-energy physics, and theories of quantum gravity."