Musical acoustics

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Studies the physics of sound in musical instruments and its relationship to music theory.

"Musical acoustics or music acoustics is a multidisciplinary field that combines knowledge from physics, psychophysics, organology, physiology, music theory, ethnomusicology, signal processing, and instrument building, among other disciplines."
"Examples of areas of study are the function of musical instruments, the human voice (the physics of speech and singing), computer analysis of melody, and the clinical use of music in music therapy."
"The pioneer of music acoustics was Hermann von Helmholtz, a German polymath of the 19th century."
"He was an influential physician, physicist, physiologist, musician, mathematician, and philosopher."
"His book, On the Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music, is a revolutionary compendium of several studies and approaches that provided a complete new perspective to music theory, musical performance, music psychology, and the physical behavior of musical instruments."
"...knowledge from physics, psychophysics, organology, physiology, music theory, ethnomusicology, signal processing, and instrument building..."
" is concerned with researching and describing the physics of music – how sounds are employed to make music."
"...the physics of speech and singing..."
" analysis of melody..."
"...the clinical use of music in music therapy."
"Examples of areas of study are the function of musical instruments..."
"...provided a complete new perspective to music theory..."
"Hermann von Helmholtz, a German polymath of the 19th century..."
"...knowledge from physics, psychophysics, organology, physiology, music theory, ethnomusicology, signal processing, and instrument building..."
"...provided a complete new perspective to... musical performance..."
"It is concerned with researching and describing the physics of music..."
"...the clinical use of music in music therapy."
" analysis of melody..."
"...knowledge from... instrument building..."
"Examples of areas of study are the function of musical instruments..."