Pitch control

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Techniques for controlling pitch and staying in tune while singing.

Breath control: The ability to control your breath while singing or speaking is essential for maintaining consistent pitch, tone, and volume.
Vocal range: Understanding the range of notes that you can comfortably sing is crucial for developing pitch control.
Vibrato: Vibrato is a natural oscillation in pitch that adds depth and expression to singing.
Intonation: The accuracy and consistency of your pitch when singing or speaking.
Resonance: The use of your vocal cavities to amplify and enhance your sound.
Diction: The clarity and precision of your pronunciation when singing or speaking.
Tone quality: The overall characteristic of your voice, including brightness, warmth, and richness.
Articulation: The way you shape and move your mouth to produce specific sounds and syllables.
Dynamics: The variation in volume and intensity in your singing or speaking.
Pitch accuracy: The ability to hit and sustain a specific pitch with accuracy and consistency.
Phrasing: The way you group and connect notes and phrases in your singing or speaking.
Register: The different parts of your vocal range, including chest voice, head voice, and falsetto.
Breathy voice: The use of breathiness to add expression to singing or speaking.
Vocal fry: A technique in which the voice is intentionally lowered in pitch to produce a gravelly or creaky sound.
Falsetto: A technique in which the voice is raised to produce a higher-pitched, more airy sound.
Glissando: The sliding or gliding from one pitch to another.
Scooping: The intentional sliding up to a pitch from below.
Pitch correction: The use of software or other techniques to adjust or correct pitch inaccuracies in singing or speaking.
Microphone technique: The proper use of a microphone to enhance your singing or speaking.
Performance skills: The development of stage presence, delivery, and communication when performing.
Vibrato: The technique of slight variations in pitch to add warmth and character to a voice.
Falsetto: The technique used for producing higher pitch sounds than the regular voice range.
Glissando: The technique used to slide smoothly between two pitches.
Portamento: An approach to pitch control that implies a gradual sliding between one pitch and another.
Staccato: A technique that creates a sharp, detached sound by quickly beginning and ending each syllable.
Legato: A smooth and connected execution of a series of notes without interruption.
Pitch modulation: The use of different pitch levels in singing to create an interesting and varied vocal performance.
Pitch bending: The manipulation of the pitch to create a unique sound effect during a vocal performance.
Vibrato tremolo: A technique that involves vibrating the pitch up and down.
Microtonal pitch control: The use of pitch in a non-traditional way to create unique and interesting vocal performances.