"Vocal pedagogy is the study of the art and science of voice instruction."
Proper pronunciation of words while singing, including techniques for clear and articulate delivery.
Breath Support: This technique focuses on utilizing proper breathing techniques to enhance the clarity and projection of the voice.
Vocal Warm-ups: Vocal warm-ups are exercises to prepare your voice for singing or speaking, and help increase diction and breath control.
Articulation: The clear and precise pronunciation of words.
Pronunciation: The correct way of saying a word.
Enunciation: The clear and distinct pronunciation of words.
Tone: The quality of the voice that expresses emotion or feeling.
Pitch: The highness or lowness of a sound.
Range: The span of notes that a voice is capable of producing.
Vowel Sounds: The distinct sounds that vowels make when spoken.
Consonant Sounds: The distinct sounds that consonants make when spoken.
Power & Projection: Used to help make your voice heard in a large space.
Timing and Rhythm: The timing and rhythm of a vocal performance, including pauses and cadence.
Phrasing: How words and sentences are structured and delivered in a vocal performance.
Resonance: The sound vibrations of the voice in the mouth, throat, nasal cavity, or chest.
Microphone Techniques: Techniques used to properly utilize microphones for clear and effective vocal recordings.
Articulation: The clear and distinct pronunciation of words.
Pronunciation: The correct way of saying a word or phrase.
Enunciation: The articulation and pronunciation of words in a clear and distinct manner.
Tone: The pitch and quality of the voice, influenced by factors such as mood and context.
Volume: The loudness or softness of the voice, used to emphasize certain words or convey emotion.
Inflection: The variation in pitch, stress and intonation that adds expression to speech.
Rhythm: The cadence and flow of words and phrases, used to create a sense of continuity and musicality.
Clarity: The quality of speech that is easy to understand and free from confusion or ambiguity.
Diction: The choice and use of words, phrases and syntax to accurately and effectively convey meaning.
Projection: The ability to make one's voice heard clearly and loudly, especially in a large space or crowd.
Timbre: The characteristic sound of one's voice, influenced by factors such as age, gender and physical structure.
"Vocal pedagogy covers a broad range of aspects of singing, ranging from the physiological process of vocal production to the artistic aspects of interpretation of songs from different genres or historical eras."
"It assists in defining what singing is, how singing works, and how proper singing technique is accomplished."
"Human anatomy and physiology as it relates to the physical process of singing."
"Breathing and air support for singing."
"Posture for singing."
"Vocal resonation or voice projection."
"Diction, vowels and articulation."
"Vocal registration."
"Sostenuto and legato for singing."
"Other singing elements, such as range extension, tone quality, vibrato, coloratura."
"Vocal health and voice disorders related to singing."
"Vocal styles, such as learning to sing opera, belt, or art song."
"Voice classification."
"Not all voice teachers have the same opinions within every topic of study which causes variations in pedagogical approaches and vocal technique."