Stand-up poetry

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Poetry performances that challenge traditional notions of spoken word or slam poetry.

History of Stand-up Poetry: A brief overview of the origins and evolution of stand-up poetry, including influential poets and movements throughout history.
Form and Structure: An introduction to the specific form and structure of stand-up poetry, including use of rhyme, rhythm, repetition, and punchlines.
Delivery Techniques: Tips and strategies for effective delivery of stand-up poetry, including timing, pacing, tone, and physical movement on stage.
Writing Process: Guidance on the creative process of writing stand-up poetry, including brainstorming, drafting, editing, and refining to enhance the humor and impact of the work.
Performance Preparation: Advice on preparing for a stand-up poetry performance, including selecting appropriate material, rehearsing, and managing stage fright and nerves.
Audience Engagement: Techniques for connecting with audiences during stand-up poetry performances, including use of humor, emotion, and storytelling to engage and entertain.
Social Commentary and Justice Issues: Exploration of the role of stand-up poetry in addressing social justice issues, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and the impact of power structures on marginalized communities.
Intersectionality and Poetry: Exploration of the intersectional nature of stand-up poetry, including how poets can address issues of race, gender, sexuality, and other identities in their work.
Stand-up Poetry Communities: Resources for connecting with other stand-up poets and communities, including open mic events, poetry slams, and organizations that support the art form.
Stand-up Poetry Industry: Overview of the business and commercial aspects of stand-up poetry, including touring, publishing, and opportunities for performing in comedy clubs, festivals, and other venues.
"Performance poetry is poetry that is specifically composed for or during a performance before an audience."
"Performance poetry is a broad term, encompassing a variety of styles and genres."
"During the 1980s, the term came into popular usage."
"Performance poetry is composed for or during a performance before an audience, rather than for print distribution."
"Yes, performance poetry is mostly open to improvisation."
"Performance poetry is composed for a live audience."
"Performance poetry is written or composed for performance rather than print distribution."
"Performance poetry is a broad term, encompassing a variety of styles and genres."
"The term came into popular usage during the 1980s."
"The main purpose of performance poetry is to be performed before an audience."
"No, performance poetry can encompass various styles and genres."
"Yes, performance poetry is mostly open to improvisation."
"Performance poetry is composed with the intention of being performed, not for print distribution."
"Performance poetry is specifically composed for or during a performance before an audience."
"Yes, performance poetry involves the art of composing and performing poetry."
"Performance poetry is composed for or during a performance before an audience."
"Yes, performance poetry is composed for a live audience."
"Yes, performance poetry is mostly open to improvisation."
"During the 1980s, the term came into popular usage to describe poetry written or composed for performance rather than print distribution."
"Performance poetry is composed for performance before an audience." Note: The quotes provided are paraphrased versions of the original paragraph to fit the format better.