"Ear training or aural skills is a music theory study in which musicians learn to identify pitches, intervals, melody, chords, rhythms, solfeges, and other basic elements of music, solely by hearing."
The process of developing one's ability to perceive, identify, and reproduce musical sounds.
Pitch recognition: The ability to identify and distinguish between different pitches or notes in a musical context.
Interval recognition: The ability to identify the distance or interval between two notes.
Key identification: The ability to identify the key or tonal center of a piece of music.
Chord recognition: The ability to identify and distinguish between different chords in a musical context.
Rhythm recognition: The ability to accurately perceive and reproduce different rhythmic patterns.
Melody recognition: The ability to identify and reproduce a melody or melodic line in a musical context.
Harmony recognition: The ability to identify and distinguish between different harmonic structures in a musical context.
Solfege (Sight-singing): The ability to read and sing music at sight using the solfege system.
Transcription: The ability to transcribe or notate music by ear.
Aural analysis: The ability to analyze different elements of music by ear, including form, texture, and instrumentation.
Interval Ear Training: This involves recognizing the distances between two notes.
Chord Ear Training: This involves recognizing different chords and their qualities.
Rhythm Ear Training: This involves recognizing different rhythms and their patterns.
Melodic Ear Training: This involves recognizing different melodies and their structures.
Harmonic Ear Training: This involves recognizing different harmonies and their functions.
Sight Singing: This involves the ability to read and sing a piece of music without any prior knowledge.
Transcription Ear Training: This involves the ability to listen to a piece of music and write it down.
Pitch Accuracy: This involves developing the ability to sing or play notes accurately.
Timbre Ear Training: This involves recognizing different instrumental and vocal sounds.
Dynamics Ear Training: This involves recognizing the volume and intensity changes in music.
Modulation Ear Training: This involves recognizing when a piece of music changes key.
Solfege Ear Training: This involves using a system of syllables to accurately pitch notes and intervals.
Microtonal Ear Training: This involves recognizing and performing music with microtonal intervals between traditional western scales.
Scale Degree Ear Training: This involves recognizing and understanding the role of each note in a particular scale.
"Musicians learn to identify pitches, intervals, melody, chords, rhythms, solfeges, and other basic elements of music."
"The application of this skill is analogous to taking dictation in written/spoken language."
"The inverse of ear training is sight-reading."
"Sight-reading is analogous to reading a written text aloud without prior opportunity to review the material."
"Ear training is a fundamental, essential skill required in music schools."
"Musicians learn to identify pitches, intervals, melody, chords, rhythms, solfeges, and other basic elements of music, solely by hearing."
"Ear training is typically a component of formal musical training."
"Musicians learn to identify chords solely by hearing."
"Musicians learn to identify pitches, intervals, melody, chords, rhythms, solfeges, and other basic elements of music."
"The application of this skill is analogous to taking dictation in written/spoken language."
"Musicians learn to identify pitches, intervals, melody, chords, rhythms, solfeges, and other basic elements of music."
"Ear training is in essence the inverse of sight-reading."
"Ear training is a fundamental, essential skill required in music schools."
"Musicians learn to identify pitches, intervals, melody, chords, rhythms, solfeges, and other basic elements of music."
"Ear training or aural skills is a music theory study."
"Ear training is in essence the inverse of sight-reading."
"The latter being analogous to reading a written text aloud without prior opportunity to review the material."
"Musicians learn to identify pitches, intervals, melody, chords, rhythms, solfeges, and other basic elements of music."
"Ear training is a fundamental, essential skill required in music schools."