"The security and defense of a sovereign state, including its citizens, economy, and institutions, which is regarded as a duty of government."
Understanding national security involves knowing how countries secure their borders, protect their citizens, defend their interests, and safeguard against threats.
"Security from terrorism, minimization of crime, economic security, energy security, environmental security, food security, and cyber-security."
"Actions of other nation states, action by violent non-state actors, narcotic cartels, organized crime, multinational corporations, and effects of natural disasters."
"Political, economic, and military power, as well as diplomacy."
"By reducing transnational causes of insecurity, such as climate change, economic inequality, political exclusion, and nuclear proliferation."
"Protection against military attack."
"The duty to protect the security and defense of a sovereign state."
"Terrorism poses a threat to national security and must be addressed."
"Organized crime is a national security risk and requires attention from the government."
"Economic security is considered part of national security and needs to be protected."
"Diplomacy is an important tool used by governments to ensure national security."
"Violent non-state actors, narcotic cartels, and multinational corporations."
"Climate change, economic inequality, political exclusion, and nuclear proliferation."
"Cyber-security is a component of national security that needs to be addressed."
"Minimization of crime is considered part of national security and requires attention from the government."
"The effects of natural disasters can impact national security and need to be addressed."
"Energy security is considered part of national security and requires attention from the government."
"Food security is considered part of national security and needs to be protected."
"Governments can address climate change, economic inequality, political exclusion, and nuclear proliferation."
"National security includes non-military dimensions, such as security from terrorism, crime minimization, economic security, energy security, environmental security, food security, and cyber-security."