"The United Nations Department of Peace Operations is an instrument developed by the organization as a way to help countries torn by conflict to create the conditions for lasting peace."
An overview of the history, principles, and objectives of peacekeeping operations and the role of different actors involved.
History of Peacekeeping: The history of peacekeeping operations from their roots in the League of Nations to their development in the United Nations.
The United Nations: The role and structure of the United Nations in peacekeeping and humanitarian operations.
Peacekeeping Mandates: The legal basis for peacekeeping mandates and how they are formulated and executed.
Conflict Analysis: The tools and methods used in analyzing conflict situations and the factors that contribute to the outbreak of conflict.
Human Rights: The importance of human rights in peacekeeping operations and the role of peacekeepers in protecting them.
Gender and Diversity: The importance of gender and diversity in peacekeeping operations and how they can be integrated.
Post-Conflict Reconstruction: The key challenges in post-conflict reconstruction and how peacekeeping operations can support this process.
Humanitarian Assistance: The principles, guidelines, and practices of humanitarian assistance in crises and emergencies.
Civil-Military Relations: The relationship between civilian and military actors in peacekeeping operations and the importance of a comprehensive approach.
Culture and Conflict: The role of culture in conflict and how peacekeepers can incorporate this into their operations.
Multilateral Diplomacy: The importance of multilateral diplomacy in peacekeeping operations and how it can help to resolve conflicts.
International Law: The principles and norms of international law that govern peacekeeping operations and their application in practice.
Peacebuilding: The holistic approach to building sustainable peace and the role of peacekeeping operations in this process.
Human Security: The concept of human security and how it relates to peacekeeping and humanitarian operations.
Ethics and Values: The ethical values that guide the behavior of peacekeepers and how they contribute to the success of peacekeeping operations.
Overview: This type of Introduction provides general information about peacekeeping operations, such as its goals, methods, and actors.
History: This type focuses on the historical development of peacekeeping, tracing its evolution from the early years of the UN through to modern day operations.
Legal Framework: This type examines the international legal framework that underpins peacekeeping, including the UN Charter, international human rights law, and international humanitarian law.
Role of the UN: This type examines the role of the United Nations in peacekeeping operations, including its role in creating and overseeing missions.
Actors: This type examines the various actors involved in peacekeeping operations, including troop-contributing countries, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the host nation.
Challenges: This type examines the challenges that peacekeeping operations face, such as security threats, political challenges, and logistical challenges.
Gender and Peacekeeping: This type examines the role of gender perspectives in peacekeeping, including the participation of women in peacekeeping and the impact of conflict on women.
Humanitarian Operations: This type focuses on the humanitarian aspects of peacekeeping operations, including the provision of aid and protection to civilians affected by conflict.
Peacebuilding: This type examines the concept of peacebuilding, which involves efforts to address the root causes of conflict and promote lasting peace.
"Peacekeeping is distinguished from peacebuilding, peacemaking, and peace enforcement, although the United Nations does acknowledge that all activities are 'mutually reinforcing' and that overlap between them is frequent in practice."
"Peacekeepers monitor and observe peace processes in post-conflict areas and assist ex-combatants in implementing the peace agreements they may have signed."
"Such assistance comes in many forms, including separating former combatants, confidence-building measures, power-sharing arrangements, electoral assistance, strengthening the rule of law, and economic and social development."
"UN peacekeepers can include soldiers, police officers, and civilian personnel."
"Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter gives the United Nations Security Council the power and responsibility to take collective action to maintain international peace and security."
"Jean-Pierre Lacroix is the Head of the Department of Peace Operations."
"He took over from the former Under-Secretary-General Hervé Ladsous on 1 April 2017."
"Since 1997, all directors have been French."
"The UN does not have such a force. In cases where direct UN involvement is not considered appropriate or feasible, the Council authorizes regional organizations such as NATO, the Economic Community of West African States, or coalitions of willing countries to perform peacekeeping or peace-enforcement tasks."
"DPKO's highest level doctrine document, entitled 'United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Principles and Guidelines' was issued in 2008."
"The purpose of peacekeeping is to help countries torn by conflict to create the conditions for lasting peace."
"UN peacekeepers assist ex-combatants in implementing the peace agreements they may have signed."
"The United Nations acknowledges that peacebuilding, peacemaking, and peace enforcement are 'mutually reinforcing' and that overlap between them is frequent in practice."
"Confidence-building measures are among the forms of assistance provided by UN peacekeepers."
"Peacekeepers monitor and observe peace processes in post-conflict areas."
"The United Nations Security Council has the power and responsibility to take collective action to maintain international peace and security."
"UN peacekeepers can include soldiers, police officers, and civilian personnel."
"The Council authorizes regional organizations such as NATO, the Economic Community of West African States, or coalitions of willing countries to perform peacekeeping or peace-enforcement tasks."
"DPKO's highest level doctrine document... was issued in 2008."