"Supply chain management (SCM) deals with a system of procurement, operations management, logistics, and marketing channels..."
The coordination and management of the flow of goods and services from supplier to customer.
Procurement: The process of buying goods or services that are required for military operations.
Inventory Management: The process of managing inventory levels to ensure that sufficient quantities of goods are available when needed.
Transportation Management: The process of planning and coordinating the movement of goods from one location to another.
Warehouse Management: The process of managing the storage and movement of goods in a warehouse.
Supply Chain Analytics: The use of data and analytical tools to improve supply chain performance and efficiency.
Outsourcing and Contracts: The process of contracting out a specific function, such as logistics, to an external supplier.
Risk Management: The process of identifying potential risks to supply chain operations and taking steps to mitigate those risks.
Lean Management: A methodology focused on improving efficiency and eliminating waste.
Performance Metrics: Key performance indicators (KPIs) used to measure supply chain performance.
International Logistics and Trade: The process of managing the flow of goods across international borders.
Consumable Items Logistics: Consumable items are the materials that are needed by the military personnel and their units for daily operations. It includes ammunition, fuel, food, and medical supplies.
Equipment Logistics: Equipment logistics refers to the management of the different types of equipment used by the military during its operations. It includes vehicles, weaponry, communication equipment, and other specialized hardware.
Transport Logistics: Military transport logistics refers to the movement of troops, equipment, and materials from one location to another during military operations. It includes transportation by air, sea, and land.
Distribution Logistics: Distribution logistics involves the management of the supply chain to ensure that military personnel and units have access to the materials and equipment that they need when they need them.
Maintenance Logistics: Maintenance logistics refers to the activities involved in the maintenance and repair of military equipment and vehicles.
Research and Development Logistics: Research and development logistics encompasses the activities that ensure that new technologies, equipment, and materials are researched, developed, and tested for use by the military.
Procurement Logistics: Procurement logistics involves the acquisition of materials, equipment, and services for military use. This includes the identification of suppliers, the solicitation of proposals, and the negotiation of contracts.
Contract Logistics: Contract logistics involves the management of the relationships between the military and its suppliers. It includes the monitoring and enforcement of contracts, as well as the assessment of supplier performance.
Warehouse Management Logistics: Warehouse management logistics refers to the activities involved in the storage, distribution, and management of materials and equipment in military warehouses.
Reverse Logistics: Reverse logistics is the process by which military equipment, materials, and supplies are returned from the field to the distribution centers for repair, refurbishment, and eventual reuse.
"... procurement, operations management, logistics, and marketing channels."
"The objective of supply chain management is to create net value, build a competitive infrastructure, leverage worldwide logistics, synchronize supply with demand, and measure performance globally."
"Supply chain management encompasses the integrated planning and execution of processes required to optimize the flow of materials, information, and capital."
"Marketing channels play an important role in supply-chain management."
"Current research in supply-chain management is concerned with topics related to sustainability, volatility, and risk management, among others."
"An important concept discussed in SCM is supply chain resilience."
"The 'people dimension' of SCM, ethical issues, internal integration, transparency/visibility, and human capital/talent management are topics that have, so far, been underrepresented on the research agenda."
"Supply chain management is focused on a more traditional management and business-based approach, whereas supply chain engineering is focused on a mathematical model-based one."
"Supply chain management ensures that raw materials can be converted into a finished product and delivered to the end customer."
"Interconnected, interrelated or interlinked networks, channels, and node businesses combine in the provision of products and services required by end customers in a supply chain."
"SCM encompasses the integrated planning and execution of processes required to optimize the flow of materials, information, and capital in functions that broadly include demand planning, sourcing, production, inventory management, and logistics."
"Supply chain management includes the movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, finished goods, and end-to-end order fulfillment from the point of origin to the point of consumption."
"SCM is the broad range of activities required to plan, control, and execute a product's flow from materials to production to distribution in the most economical way possible."
"SCM focuses on ensuring the production of high-quality products at high speed with good flexibility and low production cost."
"The design, planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply chain activities are important elements of SCM."
"The objective of supply chain management is to build a competitive infrastructure, leverage worldwide logistics, and synchronize supply with demand."
"Supply chain management strives for an integrated, multidisciplinary, multimethod approach."
"The objective of supply chain management is to create net value."
"The objective of supply chain management is to measure performance globally."