National security policy

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The development and implementation of policies and strategies to ensure national security, including the role of the military and other agencies.

National Security Strategy: The overall plan for protecting a country's interests, institutions, and values at home and abroad.
Military Strategy: The plan for employing military forces to achieve national security objectives.
Defense Budget: The allocation of resources for the maintenance and operation of the armed forces.
Military Doctrine: The guiding principles for how military forces should be organized, trained, and employed.
Force Structure: The type and size of military forces required to fulfill national security objectives.
Intelligence and Surveillance: The collection and analysis of information to inform military and national security decision-making.
Cybersecurity: The protection of computer systems and networks from unauthorized access or attack.
Arms Control: The limitations and regulations on the manufacture, possession, and use of weapons and other military technology.
Nuclear Strategy: The plan for using nuclear weapons (or for preventing their use) to achieve national security objectives.
Regional Security Alliances: The formal agreements between countries to provide mutual defense in the event of an attack.
Defense budget: The amount of money allocated towards military spending and defense operations.
Military modernization: The process of updating and upgrading military capabilities, including technology, training, and equipment.
Nuclear policy: The strategic planning and management of nuclear weapons, including deterrence and non-proliferation efforts.
Intelligence policy: The collection, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence information to inform national security decisions.
Cybersecurity policy: The protection of critical computer networks and information systems from cyber attacks and other forms of cyber threats.
Maritime policy: The protection of national interests and sovereignty in maritime environments, including coastal and territorial waters.
Counterterrorism policy: The efforts to disrupt and prevent terrorist activities and organizations.
Border security policy: The protection of national borders from unauthorized entry and illegal activities.
Arms control policy: The regulation and reduction of weapons capabilities and proliferation, including nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.
Defense cooperation policy: The coordination and collaboration with allies and international partners for collective defense efforts.