"A military budget (or military expenditure), also known as a defense budget, is the amount of financial resources dedicated by a state to raising and maintaining an armed forces or other methods essential for defense purposes."
The process of creating and managing a military budget, including allocation of funds for different areas (personnel, equipment, operations, etc.).
Defense policy and strategy: The policies and strategies that guide military spending and national security goals.
Military expenditures: The total amount of money a country or government spends on defense every year.
Military procurement: The process of acquiring and purchasing goods and services required by the military, including weapons, machinery, vehicles, and equipment.
Defense contracting: The process of hiring private companies to design, develop, produce, and maintain defense products and services.
Military research and development: The process of developing new technologies, weapons, equipment, and strategies for the military.
Military personnel and pay: The costs associated with recruiting, training, compensating, and supporting the military workforce.
Military benefits and pensions: The retirement benefits and pensions provided to military personnel and their families.
Military base infrastructure: The costs associated with maintaining and upgrading military facilities, including barracks, airfields, ports, and storage depots.
Military operations and maintenance: The ongoing costs of operating, maintaining, and repairing military vehicles, equipment, and facilities.
Military readiness: The preparedness of military units to be deployed and engage in combat, including training, equipment, and resource availability.
Military aid and foreign military sales: The financial and material support provided by one country to another for military purposes.
Veterans affairs: The provision of services and benefits to military veterans after they leave the armed forces.
Defense budgeting process: The methods and strategies used to allocate and manage the funds used for military spending.
Legislative oversight: The role of elected officials in overseeing military spending, procurement, and policy decisions.
Cost-benefit analysis: The process of assessing the benefits and drawbacks of specific military spending decisions, and weighing them against other national priorities.
Line-Item Budgeting: The most commonly used form of military budgeting, it breaks down spending into specific categories or line items, such as weapons or personnel.
Performance-Based Budgeting: This type of budgeting links funding to the achievement of specific goals and objectives.
Zero-Based Budgeting: In this form of military budgeting, every item in the budget must be justified, regardless of past spending levels.
Activity-Based Budgeting: This type of budgeting identifies the specific activities or missions that will be funded, rather than just funding a general category of spending.
Program Budgeting: In this form of military funding, spending is broken down into specific programs, such as research and development or military training.
Outcome-Based Budgeting: This type of budgeting focuses on the intended outcomes of spending, such as reducing casualties, rather than the actual spending itself.
Budget Performance Reviews: Budget reviews allow military leaders to evaluate the effectiveness of their spending, identify areas for improvement, and adjust their budgets accordingly.
Cost-Benefit Analysis: This type of analysis weighs the costs and benefits of specific military spending items, to determine which spending areas provide the most value for the money.
Investment Budgeting: This type of budgeting focuses on funding military investments that will provide long-term benefits, such as research and development.
Strategic Budgeting: This type of budgeting takes into account broader strategic considerations, such as military alliances and geopolitical threats, when allocating funding.
"...raising and maintaining an armed forces or other methods essential for defense purposes."
"...also known as a defense budget..."
"...financial resources dedicated by a state..."
"...raising and maintaining an armed forces or other methods essential for defense purposes."
"...amount of financial resources dedicated..."
"...essential for defense purposes."
"...raising and maintaining an armed forces..."
"...methods essential for defense purposes."
"...raising and maintaining an armed forces or other methods essential for defense purposes."
"...financial resources dedicated by a state..."
"...raising and maintaining an armed forces or other methods essential for defense purposes."
"...essential for defense purposes."
"A military budget...the amount of financial resources dedicated..."
"A military budget...the amount of financial resources dedicated..."
"...financial resources dedicated by a state..."
"...raising and maintaining an armed forces or other methods essential for defense purposes."
"The amount of financial resources dedicated... essential for defense purposes."
"A military budget (or military expenditure), also known... or other methods essential for defense purposes."
"...raising and maintaining an armed forces or other methods essential for defense purposes."