International relations

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The study of relationships between nations and the role of the military in diplomacy and conflict resolution.

International Law: Examines the legal framework that governs international relations, including the role of treaties and agreements, international courts and tribunals, and the customs and norms that guide behavior between nations.
Diplomacy: The art of communication and negotiation between nations or individuals within nations, typically conducted through formal channels such as embassies, consulates, and international organizations, such as the United Nations.
Military Strategy: Studies the use of military power to achieve political goals, including the development of weapons systems, military tactics, and the organization and deployment of military forces.
Geopolitics and Geography: Examines how geography, natural resources, regional politics, and historical relations between nations impact the strategic and economic interests of nations.
Political Economy: Studies the relationship between politics and the economy, including trade policy, globalization, and the impact of international financial institutions.
International Organizations: Analyzes the role of international organizations, such as the United Nations, NATO, IMF, World Bank, and other regional and international organizations in international relations.
Terrorism and Security: Examines the role of terrorism and other security threats, including cyber warfare, in international relations.
Defense Policy: Studies the formation, implementation, and evaluation of national and international defense policies.
Nuclear Proliferation: Examines the spread of nuclear weapons to countries and the impact on international relations and national security.
Political Systems: Studies the different forms of government in different countries, including democracy and authoritarian regimes, and how these impact their international relations.
Human Rights: Analyzes the role of human rights in international relations and the promotion of human rights by global organizations and individual states.
Environmental Policy: Examines the impact of environmental policy and climate change on international relations, including issues related to energy independence, sustainability, and the exploitation of natural resources.
Culture and Communication: Analyzes the role of culture and communication in international relations, including language barriers, cross-cultural communication, and the media's role in shaping public opinion.
Paz and Conflict resolution: Examines the different theories and methods for mediating conflicts between nations and individuals, including peace negotiations, conflict resolution, and post-conflict reconstruction.
Security Studies: Security studies encompass the study of war, international security, and conflict. Researchers in this field examine the causes and consequences of violent conflict, military alliances, and arms control.
International Political Economy: International Political Economy (IPE) examines the interaction of economics and politics on the global stage. Researchers in this field examine issues such as international trade, economic growth, and corporate governance.
Diplomacy: Diplomacy is the practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of states. This can take place at the bilateral level, multilateral level, or within international organizations.
International Law: International law is the body of legal principles that govern the relationships between states. This includes treaties, conventions, and customary practices.
Foreign Policy: Foreign policy refers to a government's strategy for dealing with other states. It involves a range of activities, from economic diplomacy to the use of military force.
Strategic Studies: Strategic studies is the study of military strategy, including the use of force, deterrence, and defense. Researchers in this field examine the factors that influence military decision-making and the impact of military actions on international relations.
International Organizations: International organizations are institutions that facilitate cooperation between states. Examples include the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Trade Organization.
Intelligence Studies: Intelligence studies is the study of intelligence gathering, analysis, and use. Researchers in this field examine the role of intelligence agencies in foreign policy decision-making and the ethical dilemmas raised by intelligence gathering.
Conflict Resolution: Conflict resolution is the practice of finding peaceful solutions to conflicts. It involves a range of techniques, from mediation to arbitration, and can be applied at the individual, group, or state level.
Humanitarian Intervention: Humanitarian intervention involves the use of military force to protect civilians from atrocities such as genocide or ethnic cleansing. This is a controversial practice that raises questions about sovereignty and the use of force.
"International Relations (IR) are the interactions among sovereign states."
"It concerns all activities among states—such as war, diplomacy, trade, and foreign policy—as well as relations with and among other international actors."
"Other international actors, such as intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs), international legal bodies, and multinational corporations (MNCs)."
"There are several schools of thought within IR, of which the most prominent are realism, liberalism, and constructivism."
"International relations is widely classified as a major subdiscipline of political science."
"It also often draws heavily from other fields, including anthropology, economics, geography, law, philosophy, sociology, and history."
"International relations did not become a discrete field until 1919."
"...first offered as an undergraduate major by Aberystwyth University in the United Kingdom."
" response to the geostrategic concerns of the Cold War."
"The collapse of the Soviet Union and subsequent rise of globalization in the late 20th century."
"The scientific study of those interactions is called international studies, international politics, or international affairs."
"The collapse of the Soviet Union and subsequent rise of globalization."
"Itergovernmental organizations (IGOs), international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs), international legal bodies, and multinational corporations (MNCs)."
"...such as war, diplomacy, trade, and foreign policy."
"...particularly in North America and Western Europe."
"International relations is widely classified as a major subdiscipline of political science."
"...geostrategic concerns of the Cold War."
"It also often draws heavily from other fields, including anthropology, economics, geography, law, philosophy, sociology, and history."
"The collapse of the Soviet Union and subsequent rise of globalization."
"...war, diplomacy, trade, and foreign policy."